PPL 2016

East 2016 News, PAX East 2016, PPL 2016

East 2016 Meetup Times, Diversity Lounge Table, and PPL East’s 5th Anniversary!

Attention Trainers wishing to challenge PPL East 2016! This post has lots of important news for you!!!

Trainer Cards

First of all, Trainer Cards are back, and this year’s designs celebrate Pokémon’s 20th Anniversary and PPL East’s 5th anniversary! Make sure to pick one up from the first gym leader you battle, they’re loaded with useful information!

Some of that useful information includes handheld lounge Meetup Times! Meetups are a great way to catch lots of gym leaders at once. Meetups will be held in the Handheld Lounge at 2 PM on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! Wow, what easy times to remember! Just remember: 2 PM!

Our final meetup, our traditional Champion Showcase, will be held on Sunday at 6:30 PM in the Westin Lobby. Get a few last battles in and say goodbye!

Next: the PPL will once again have a table in the Diversity Lounge! We’re there to spread the good news of the PPL, so stop by and say hello, or send anyone who wants to find out more about the PPL. Additionally, anyone who stops by the Diversity Lounge booth and answers a Trivia Question correctly will receive a Raffle Ticket!

What are Raffle Tickets and why do you want one? Each day of PAX we’ll be holding a raffle for some fabulous Pokémon prizes! Raffles will be held in the Diversity Lounge on Friday and Saturday at 5 PM, and on Sunday in the Westin Lobby at 7 PM. There are only two ways to earn a Raffle Ticket: beat the Champion, or show us you’ve earned a badge and answer a Trivia Question in the Diversity Lounge (one per person for each of these methods)! So you’re definitely going to want one. You can use your Raffle Ticket at any one of the Raffles, but choose wisely, because you can only use each Raffle ticket once.

Next week we’ll be posting photos of our fabulous raffle prizes, so stay tuned!

East 2016 Leaders, PAX East 2016, PPL 2016

Elite 8 Members: Dyrov (the Valiant Dragon-Knight), Brock and Reginald (the Old-stone Elites), Erkenhelm (the Twitch Streamer), and Po, the Poor Performer!

Dyrov, the Valiant Dragon-Knight!

Trainer Strategy: Fights with honor while harnessing true power.
Trainer Pokémon: Enemies of man, now tamed.
Trainer Message: Fight with honor and compassion worthy of Lancelot himself to earn the Valor Emblem!

Valor Emblem

Brock and Reginald, the old-stone elites!

Strategy: Rough and tumble
Trainers’ Pokemon: The 12 labors are set in stone…
Trainer’s Message: Ne plus ultra!
Pillars of Hercules Emblem

Prove your labours fruitful to earn the Pillars of Hercules Emblem!

Erkenhelm, the Twitch Streamer!

Strategy: Play video games, watch video games, live video games.
Trainer’s Pokémon: My fellow streamers’ favorite Pokémon.
Trainer’s Message: Can you handle the Kappa?
Streamer Emblem
Avoid dropping frames to win the Streamer Emblem!

Po, the Poor Performer!

Strategy: Dazzle the opponent with our star-studded cast!
Trainer’s Pokémon: The most talented normal-types around!
Trainer’s Message: If you can best the diva and her friends, you’ll earn The Prima Donna Emblem!

Prima Donna Emblem

East 2016 Leaders, PAX East 2016, PPL 2016

Leaders: Rosette, the Glamorous Queen of Beauty, and Pending, the Rogue Tactician!

Rosette, the Glamorous Queen of Beauty!

Strategy: Fascinate with beauty and grace!
Trainer’s Pokémon: There they are, the most beautiful Pokémon in all the regions~
Trainer’s Message: Whether human or Pokémon, only the truest beauty comes from within the soul.

Tiara Badge
Dethrone Rosette’s Queens to be bestowed the Tiara Badge!

Pending, the Rogue Tactician!

Strategy: To win with tactics over power.
Pokémon: Weaker Pokémon can have the greatest strength when working together towards a goal.
Message: You’ll need planning more than just strength to defeat my tactics.

Pending Badge
Overcome Pending’s tactical prowess to earn the Pending Badge!

East 2016 Leaders, PAX East 2016, PPL 2016

Leaders: Tenta, the Turf-Trouncing Trainer, and Theodore, the Velvet Room Assistant!

Tenta, the Turf-Trouncing Trainer!

Strategy: Ink where my foe least expects it!
Trainer’s Pokémon: My squad has the freshest Pokémon this side of Urchin Underpass!
Trainer’s Message: I hope you know how to swim in ink, trainer. I’ve got one killer wail!

Squid BadgeKid Badge
Cover your bases and splat this squid to earn yourself the Kid Badge or the Squid Badge!

Theodore, the Velvet Room Assistant!

Strategy: Let Fate determine the outcome
Trainer’s Pokémon: The Harbingers of Destiny
Trainer’s Message: What will the cards have in store?

Velvet Badge
Show Theodore you’ve embraced your Destiny to earn the Velvet Badge!

East 2016 Leaders, PAX East 2016, PPL 2016

Leaders: Pepper, the Flaming Chef, and Ren Daitox, the Shiny Bug Hunter!

Pepper, the Flaming Chef!


Strategy: Roast, skewer, and SERVE ‘EM UP!
Trainer’s Pokémon: My kitchen team!
Trainer’s Message: ALLEZ CUISINE!
Searing Badge
Survive Pepper’s flambe to receive the Searing Badge!

Ren Daitox, the Shiny Bug Hunter!

Ren Daitox
Strategy: Like a great hive, all my bug Pokémon benefit from one another to form an unstoppable team.
Trainer’s Pokémon: I found the best shiny bug Pokémon, and trained them to work well together.
Trainer’s Message: Never give up searching for the best Pokémon to be your buddies. Show me the strength of the bond between you and your Pokémon to get the The Gilded Bug Badge!

Gilded Bug Badge

East 2016 Leaders, PAX East 2016, PPL 2016

Leaders: Thor, God of Thunder, and Poru, the Clever Conjurer!

Thor, God of Thunder!


Strategy: My Strength will electrify you!
Favorite Pokémon: My Pokémon were trained to be mighty Asgardian Warriors.
Trainer Message: Do you have what it takes to challenge a God? Let me see if you are worthy!

Ragnarok Badge
Prove yourself god-like to earn the Ragnarok Badge!

Poru, the Clever Conjurer!


Strategy: The balance of the world is the greatest defense and offence!
Trainer’s Pokémon: A harmony of natures; a whole greater than the individual parts!
Trainer’s Message: Let us show you the beauty and might of equilibrium!

Harmony Badge
If your team can unite and support itself, you will win the Harmony badge!

East 2016 Leaders, PAX East 2016, PPL 2016

Leaders: Rufus, the League Janitor, and Tony of Terror!

Rufus, The League Janitor!

Strategy: With the league in full swing, Rufus has a lot of cleaning to do. Keep him from his rounds at your own peril!
Trainer’s Pokémon: A crew of muck and grime turned to the path of cleanliness.
Trainer’s Message: Don’t track dirt on my freshly mopped floors or I’ll sweep you into the dust bin!

Spotless Badge
Avoid getting swept up on Rufus’ rounds to earn yourself the Spotless Badge!

Tony of Terror!

Strategy: Taunt, Terrify, Torment, and Trick/Treat!
Trainer’s Pokémon: Pokémon only found in the scariest of places and the most haunted of houses.
Trainer’s Message: How much Fear can you take?

Haunted Badge
Be brave and earn the Haunted Badge!

East 2016 Leaders, PAX East 2016, PPL 2016

Leaders: NoBeard, the Notorious Pirate, and Roxie, the Toxic Rocker!

NoBeard, the Notorious Pirate!

Strategy: Me scallywags will swab the deck with ye!
Pokémon: Swashbuckling & Fighting on the sea
Trainer’s Message: Sink my team of scallywags and earn the Landlubber Badge!

LandLubber Badge

Roxie, the Toxic Rocker!

Strategy: Go all out, gotta rock hard!
Trainer’s Pokémon: Only the most punk Pokémon to rock your world!
Trainer’s Message: Get ready! I’m gonna knock some sense outta ya!

Toxic Badge
Can you out-jam Roxie to earn the Toxic Badge?

East 2016 Leaders, PAX East 2016, PPL 2016

Leaders: Mike, the Kanto Air Force Ace, and Volcanus, the Pure Flame!

Mike, the Kanto Air Force Ace!

Strategy: I will test your knowledge of Flying-types before testing how you can handle my Wingmons!
Trainer’s Pokémon: A photo floats down from the sky:


Trainer’s Message: Will you crash, or will you be able soar above my Squadron of Flying-types to get the Flight Badge?

Flight Badge

Volcanus, the Pure Flame!

Strategy: After training in Stark mountain once again, I return to PAX to use flames to purifry my opponents.
Trainer’s Pokémon : The purest of fire-types
Trainer’s Message: Embrace the heat or flame out.

Purefire Badge
Stand victorious in the heat of battle to earn the Purefire Badge!

East 2016 Leaders, PAX East 2016, PPL 2016

Leaders: Vi, the Hidden Princess, and James, the Mind Warrior!

Vi, the Hidden Princess!

Strategy: Only the rain can cleanse the wounds from my past!
Trainer’s Pokémon: Swimmingly magnificent; we work with each other to wash away our competition.
Trainer’s Message: Hidden away in the vast oceans of Hoenn for years, I’ve learned to synergize with my water-type Pokémon. Bring your towel because you’ll need to endure our harsh rains to be victorious!

Coral Badge
Leave Vi’s team floundering if you desire the Coral Badge!

James, the Mind Warrior!

Strategy: Mind over matter!
Trainer’s Pokémon: An army of psychic soldiers.
Trainer’s Message: Wars do not make you great, your spirit makes you great.

Psywave Badge

Prove your mind to be resiliant and your spirit strong to earn the Psywave Badge!


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