South 2019 Leaders

PAX South 2019, PPL 2019, South 2019 Leaders

The PPL South Champion Revealed! Maxie, the Land Lobbyist!

Champion: Maxie, the Land Lobbyist!

On his grand campaign effort, Maxie has come to PAX South to advocate for the Land, and the Pokemon that live there (unlike that unreliable Archie, always holding rallies on beaches). Entirely without tolerance for drinks with tiny umbrellas, Maxie is here to Get Down to Business. Prepare your team to face sunny skies and Pokemon that thrive in hothouse weather, because Maxie is bringing the heat!

Defeat this cool-headed heat master to earn your way in to the PAX Pokemon League Hall of Fame!

PAX South 2019, PPL 2019, South 2019 Leaders

The Final Two South Elites! Serena and Neptune!

Serena, the Top-Rope Flightmaster!

Serena’s back! This high-flying bird keeper returns to PAX South once again, but this time, she’s been hitting the gym! She and her team of airborne Pokemon have been working hard and are stronger than ever! Have you kept pace? Are you ready to prove how much stronger you’ve become?

Show off your hard work to earn the Climbing Emblem!


Neptune, the Man Who Has Weathered the Storm!

Neptune is a sailor who has sailed the many seas. From the tropical seas of Hoenn to the frigid seas of Sinnoh and the beautiful coasts of Kalos, Neptune has almost seen it all. During his travels he learned to harness the power of the seas and the many water type Pokemon that live in it, and unusually for a sailor he also developed a bond with the electric types that showed up sometimes during the fierce thunderstorms at sea. Though the location may be landlocked, Neptune has decided to travel inland to test out the team he made during his many travels at the PAX Pokemon League!

Withstand his maelstrom to earn the Thunderstorm Emblem!

PAX South 2019, PPL 2019, South 2019 Leaders

The First Three Elites Arrive! Dr. K, Crystal, and Chrom!

Dr. K, the Plague Doctor!

Dr K has been attending PAX South since the first convention in January 2015 for games, fellowship, and great times with friends. However, every year when the convention is over and the friends go their separate ways, one of the group has gotten horribly sick with a mysterious illness. Dubbed the ‘PAX Pox’, Dr. K has taken to studying the horrible disease to better understand and hopefully find a cure or method of prevention for this horrible malady!

Help Dr. K battle this disease to earn the Plague Emblem!


Crystal, the Cool Trainer!

Crystal started like many trainers do: choosing between a fire, water, or grass starter. Not really happy with any of them, she grabbed the water-type and learned to work with it. When she found her first technical machine (TM 13- Ice Beam) everything changed. Seeing the power of the move and the elegance of the element, she knew she had to learn more about the Ice typing and its Pokemon. She has traveled through the various regions, learning from their respective Ice-type specialists and honing her skills to a sharp edge. Now, she hopes to bring a cold front to the PAX South Pokemon League!

Keep the frostbite at bay to win the Cool Emblem!


Chrom, the Exalted Prince!

Chrom, prince of the Halidom of Ylisse and Leader of the Shepherds, looks for a new challenge! He has arrived in Alola to forge new bonds and battle to the top. Legends are told of Chrom and the bonds he shares with his friends. Some say they are as unbreakable as steel!

Defeat Chrom and the bonds he holds with his Pokemon to claim the Exalt Emblem!

PAX South 2019, PPL 2019, South 2019 Leaders

The Last South Gym Leaders Revealed! O’Dell, Grimlock, Fujin & Raijin!

O’Dell, Your Friendly Neighborhood Gym Leader!

“Okay, let’s do this one last time, yeah? This is it. My name is O’Dell Morales. I was bitten by a radioactive Joltik. And for like two weeks, I’ve been the one and only Bug-Type Gym Leader at PAX South. I think you know the rest. I came to San Antonio. I battled a bunch of people. Waited in some lines. Paid too much for a hot dog. The important thing is, no matter how many hits my bugs and I take, we always get back up. I’m a Pokemon master. And I’m not the only one.”

Prove that you too, you have what it takes to wear the mask to earn the Great Power Badge!


Grimlock, Vanguard of the Dragon Empire!

The great Dragon Empire stretches far into the deserts of the west. Their riches and power come from the terrible armies of Dragon Pokemon they can unleash at a moments notice. Now they send Grimlock, feared even among his countrymen, to test the might of challengers at PAX South!

Can you stop this new threat and win the Imperial Badge?


Fujin & Raijin, the Ultimate Ninja Weather Team!

Fujin and Raijin have been a team that has lasted through out time. However in these fast paced, modern times what were two ancient deities to do? They decided to use their supernatural abilities to control the weather to become… THE ULTIMATE NINJA WEATHER TEAM! Never before has the world seen such charm, grace, or meteorological prowess! If you plan on taking on the worlds greatest weather team you had better come prepared for stormy weather, and rough seas!

Weather their storm to earn the Twin Typhoon Badge!

Up next… the Elite Five!

PAX South 2019, PPL 2019, South 2019 Leaders

The Hits Just Keep Coming! More South Gym Leaders Revealed! Wolfram, Jaird, Roku and Pancake!

Wolfram, Keeper of the Forge!

As a young man, Wolfram studied the techniques of Poke Ball making from Kurt in Johto for several years. After he completed his apprenticeship, Wolfram left Azalea town to pursue his magnum opus: A new form of Poke Ball that would improve the capturing of Steel Type Pokemon. He and his forge-fired team are ready to test their mettle at PAX South!

Hammer your team into shape to earn the Indomitable Badge!


Jaird, the Tea Master!

Always searching for the best cup of tea, Jaird scoured the globe for ingredients and Pokemon who could bring him closer to them. After years, he now has his own garden and gym dedicated to both! His battle style is like the perfectly brewed cup, you don’t want it fire hot but you can’t let it get ice cold!

Serve up your winning team to earn the Brewed Leaf Badge! (and maybe a delightful refreshing drink!)


Roku and Pancake, the Unbreakable Bond!

This is one duo you can’t brute force your way through; Roku and Pancake have one devastating combination! Roku’s hyper-offensive dragons will annihilate your team quickly if you aren’t careful! But don’t ignore Pancake’s supportive Fairy types who will be buffing Roku’s team with a variety of techniques, otherwise you are doomed to fail! You will need to think outside the box and demonstrate exceptional coordination to defeat these adversaries, as they will be ready for simple tricks!

Sever their perfect synergy with your strategies to earn the Harmony Badge!

PAX Pokemon League History, PAX South 2019, PPL 2019, South 2019 Leaders

More South Gym Leaders Take the Stage! Happy, Yazmina, and Pikachan!

Happy, the Holiday Enthusiast!

Happy always looked forward to the holidays, so much that when ever he was asked which one if your favorite he would answer with “All of them!” His first Pokemon was a Delibird given to him as a Christmas present, and when he was able to go out on his own Pokemon journey, he only caught Pokemon that embodied each of his favorite holidays. Before long, he had a whole team that represented what he loved most about his favorite times of the year.

Mark your calendars for victory and earn the Celebration Badge!


Yazmina, the Fanciful Fairy Fashionista!

Oh the horror! The disgrace! The Riches beaten by a brat from Nuvema Town?! If only Yazmina was not overseas premiering her new line of poke-evening wear! Now it falls to Yazmina to restore the honor of my family name, The Riches. She will redeem their trampled honor by strutting over all challengers who dare to foolishly face the fanciful fairy fashionista! Ohohohohoho!

Prove your bearing to adorn the Magnolia Badge! Ohohohohoho!


Pika-chan, Featuring Pika and the Clones!

Like a thunderbolt to the heart or an aqua jet to the soul, beautiful idol Pika-chan is here to sing and dance her way to victory! Her adorable Pika-clone backup dancers will lend her a helping hand, and not just with electric moves! Don’t be surprised if they play rough! Hey…that one doesn’t look cute at all! Actually, it looks kind of creepy…

Show Pika your moves to earn the Celebrity Badge!

PAX South 2019, PPL 2019, South 2019 Leaders

Gym Leaders With Jobs! Three More South Leaders Revealed! Steven Wolfe, Jade, and Howard!

Steven J Wolfe, the Dog Trainer Extraordinaire!

Surrounded by dog Pokemon growing up, Steven found that they were best companions for him. Taking that cue, he went to work learning to become a world class dog trainer. With his dogs by his side, he’s out to prove that they can be more than household pets!

Show Steven who’s top dog to earn the Gimme Paw Badge!


Jade, the Gem-loving Jeweler!

Timeless, beautiful, and a girl’s best friend – that’s right, we’re talking precious rock Pokemon! Whether you’re looking for a giga-sized rock for your team or a perfect, legendary gem for your true love, every champ begins with Jade. She has ice in her wineglass and a fossil timepiece, but she won’t break your bank – just your winning streak!

Have her appraise your team as worthy and earn the Diamond Badge!


Howard, the Insomniac Night Shift Manager!

Howard got a job as a night shift hotel manager, but that turns out to be a pretty eerie place to work in a part of town where the Dark Pokemon come out. The glowing eyes peering in the windows used to give him the jitters, but the nightmares have mostly stopped now that he’s mostly stopped sleeping. In fact, he seems to have really bonded with the creepy Pokemon that come out to visit at night. Howard has taken a vacation day so trainers can challenge the things that go bump in the night!

Knock Howard out (and give him some much need rest!) to earn the Red Eye Badge!

PAX South 2019, PPL 2019, South 2019 Leaders

PAX South Approaches! Leader Reveals Begin! Celeste, Kaido, and Ray Chandler!

Celeste, the Avian Astronomer!

Isabelle’s not the only animal crossing over to explore beyond her town! Celeste is hanging up her telescope and spreading her wings to share her cosmic knowledge at PAX South. This little chickadee was inspired by the universe she studies and has trained a group of star-studded Pokemon to put to the test.

Knock her team out of this world to earn the Constellation Badge!

Kaido, the Kaiju Ranger!

The kaiju of Monster Island are here to make their presence known! These Kaiju razed the lands until the brave ranger Kaido and his companion, MechaGodzilla, tamed their ferocity. Scarred by the battle, Kaido now wears armor made from his companion’s steel. Kaido may look worn, but when backed into a corner, his key stone will glow, unleashing a dormant destructive force from within!

Rock the kaiju’s world, and bring them to the Ground to earn the Destroy All Monsters Badge!

Ray Chandler, Detective of the West!

It’s been 2 years since the UB case was put to bed and International Police Officer Looker has disappeared. Luckily, a new detective is on the case! Following his biggest lead yet, Ray Chandler takes to the streets. For his team, be ready for a threatening psychic vibe as well as some canine surprises. It’s going to be a great mystery, but one truth prevails!

Solve this mystery to uncover the Sleuth Badge!


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