Why we’ve got so many Leaders you’ll be wondering when the Victory Road will finish being built in Victoria. Time to fully introduce two young and coming Gym Leaders, Charlie and Wyvern!
Charlie, The Cheerful Chu Companion

When the sky is bleak and grey and you can smell rain in the air, that’s when you’ll find Charlie and his team training hard on the nearest beach. He loves to watch the storms roll in, unafraid in the slightest of the thunder and lightning. He’ll dance in the rain with his beloved pokemon, all of them relishing in weather that would send most running for cover.
Never seen without at least one Pikachu (or Pikachu lookalike) by his side, Charlie has travelled the world to hone his mastery of electric-type pokemon, determined to be the greatest trainer he can, with the ultimate goal of becoming a gym leader some day. When he heard about the formation of the PAX Pokemon League, he leapt at the chance to live his dreams, keen to prove himself just as competent an electric-type leader as legends such as Lt. Surge and Wattson, his childhood heros.
If you’re not spooked by a little thunder and lightning, come try your hand at winning the Stormchaser Badge!

Stormchaser Badge
Wyvern, the Confused Dragon Tamer

Wyvern has always loved dragons and pokemon, because of that he always idolised the dragon trainers, Lance, Drake, Cynthia, Iris and Alder and he dreamed to become the greatest dragon pokemon tamer ever. The only problem is he doesn’t know his types.
Show you know your Pokemon by challenging Damon and taking home the Wyvern Badge!

Wyvern Badge