This year at the Pax Pokemon League, we have lots of exciting leaders to battle. Not to be too single-minded, however, we’ve also got a few tricks up our sleeve! The first time you battle you will get a special card that not only shows our leaders, but will show you how to get these fancy medals, there’s four of them! and you can use them to count towards the eight badges needed to challenge the Elite four (though it takes two medals to equal one badge for that.)
Without further ado, here are the four medals, and how to get them!

- Challengers battle other challengers and make a request to a Leader to facilitate the challenge
- This battle can either be just standard singles or according to one of the special rulesets under the Special category
- Once the battle is over, the challengers return to the leader to get the BP squares on their cards initialed to show they have completed it accordingly
- If it’s a standard Singles battle, then both participants get 1 BP marked off under Battles, and the victor of the battle gets 1 BP marked off under Victories
- If it’s a special rules battle, both participants get 1 BP marked off under Battles, 1 BP marked off under the relevant Special square, and the victor gets 1 BP marked off under Victories
Of course, that all doesn’t apply to Trivia. For trivia, a challenger asks a leader for a trivia question and the leader provides one. If the challenger gets it correct, the leader initials one of the Trivia BP squares! Be careful, this trivia could be about anything! (Though it will most likely be Pokemon related)
When you have the correct number of BP in any one category, go find and show a leader to receive your corresponding Medal!
On a similar note! Also make sure to find the Trick master and ask her about her Trivia, in which you can receive a Trick Trick Badge, which can count as one of the eight badges needed to fight the Elite 6! (And I mean, if you manage to pass it off to the Champ as the Actual Trick Badge, we won’t hold it against you!) It also allows you to fight the Trick Masters Special team, so be sure to look for her. She will probably be disguised; either as one of her favorite Pokemon, Volcarona, or as one of the other leaders…