At PPL South, the Dead Roam in the Haunted Wood! Roman, Pickle and Gloom revealed!

Roman, the Unkillable Phantom!

Many moons ago, Roman was an seen as a cheap Pokemon trainer. Many despised Roman and their underhanded tactics in battle garnering many enemies. One day, Roman’s enemies had enough and led an attack against them. Little did they know Roman was already dead. Using their Ghost Pokemon, Roman defeated their enemies and gained the title Unkillable Phantom. Roman, unable to be defeated, now travels the land looking for trainers to put up a challenge. With eyes now set on PAX South, Roman hopes to meet a trainer strong to finally defeat them.

End this spectre’s streak to earn the Revenant Badge!


Pickle and Gloom, the Wayward Witches!

One may bake you into a pie, one may turn you into a dog. Mysterious entities formed from light, shadow, whims, and wishes, they hail from the Misery Wood, an ever-changing forest where beauty cannot be trusted and danger lurks behind every smile, where Dark and Fairy Type Pokémon roam. The two witches of the Misery Wood have come to show that not all is what it seems, and victory is far from a sure thing!

Defeat their tricks and treat yourself to the Witchlight Badge!

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