Congratulations to this year’s League Champions!
League Champion: James R. Frotten
League Champion: MarkisGarchiya
League Champion: SheepMatty
League Champion: Peter Hotvedt
League Champion: MISSINGNO 1
League Champion: Noah
League Champion: Zelda
League Champion: MISSINGNO 2
League Champion: Pancake
League Champion: Dario Sepulveda
League Champion: Cole
League Champion: Dizzy 
League Champion: Aphelion
League Champion: Papychu 
Due to some Porygons eating our data, and the inability of Sun and Moon to save battle videos when battling against Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, some information for some of our champions has unfortunately been lost! If you are one of the affected champions, please e-mail us at, and we’ll repair the Hall of Fame as soon as possible!
Sprites from PkParaiso
If you see any errors, or if you were left off accidentally or something’s missing, leave a comment and we’ll fix it! This is the last post from PPL South 2018! Thank you for playing!