PAX East 2017 Leader Applications Open Through January 4th!!!

Alola, Gym Leader hopefuls! Interested in volunteering to be a PAX Pokemon League Gym Leader at PAX East 2017? If so, you’re in luck!!!

We’re looking for gym leaders from all walks of life, from casual players to intense veterans. If you’re excited about having fun-focused battles with lots of people, we want you! Click the link and fill out an application!

Applications will only be open until January 4th! So get your application in ASAP! (And make sure you save your application URL so you can edit it later if you need to!

EDIT: Applications are closed and notices have been sent out!!! Thank you all for applying!!!

2 thoughts on “PAX East 2017 Leader Applications Open Through January 4th!!!”

  1. Hello! I have a quick question about the badge design concept part of the application. In that section you said a basic MSPaint sketch would help you guys out, but I don’t know where I’d be able to upload or paste a picture of a MSPaint picture. Is there a place to do that in the application?

    1. Hey Chris! Good question, sorry this is unclear. If you’ve got an MSPaint doodle, you should upload your image to a site like or similar and paste a link to it in the form!

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