Leader: Calucian, the Desert Wanderer!

Having lost his parents at a young age, Calucian set off on his own journey in search of some meaning to his life. He quickly discovered that travelling the world, seeing all the lands and Pokemon it had to offer made him feel complete in a way nothing else had. When he heard of the desert region of Orre, it lit his imagination on fire. The promise of a vast, endless sea of sand inhabited by all sorts of unique desert Pokemon unlike any he had seen before was too good to ignore. With nothing but a Pokedex and a few Pokemon in tow he set off on what he saw as the ultimate adventure, and became a master of the desert. Do you have what it takes to brave the desert storm and earn the Adventurer Badge?

Twitter: @CalucianPAX

1 thought on “Leader: Calucian, the Desert Wanderer!”

  1. Pingback: Leader: Calucian, the Desert Wind! |

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