PAX East 2014

East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Leader: Volcanus, the Volcano Hothead!

GL29Once a Team Magma member, Volcanus left the organization to train in a volcano. Over the years, Volcanus grew into a seasoned Pokémon trainer with a team of formidable fire Pokémon from every region. Following the advice of his rival, Oceanus, he set his sights on being a gym leader in the PAX Pokémon League in hopes of meeting individuals who can mirror his burning passion. Those who can withstand the flames will earn the Caldera Badge.Caldera Badge

East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Leaders: Deadly Neuro & Toxin, Professors of Aperture!

GL16 GL16a

[13/03/14 13:30:00]

 Dr. [REDACTED] Neuro
 Dept: Neuroscience
 Dr. [REDACTED] Toxin
 Dept: Toxicology

Charge: Acquire additional information on advanced evolution

Notes: Personnel have been dispatched to Pokemon Advancement
 Facility at the offsite enrichment center "BCEC". Selected 
personnel will be clandestinely interacting with test subjec
ts to gather insight on new "mega" evolutionary methods. The
y have been provided the use of creatures from experimental 
group 3-Ce066-282 and 2-Ce039-169. Speed of completion will 
also be a factor, which many test subjects might find... cha
llenging. Successful subjects will be marked for further tes
ting with the Triumph Badge.

Triumph Badge

East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Leader: Miss Miau, the Kitty Whisperer!

GL21Miss Miau is the ultimate cat lady. She carries cat treats and toys with her everywhere she goes and fluently speaks cat. She is probably part cat herself. If she isn’t lazing on a sunny rooftop with her cat posse, she’s off traveling the world rescuing stray kittens. If you think you’ve got what it takes to tame her jazz cats, challenge her for the Whiskers Badge! Be warned though, these cat claws aren’t here to play! Unless there’s tuna…

Whiskers Badge

East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Leader: John, the Ghostbuster!

GL19John’s interest in the paranormal began as a child, when he had a nightmare about the legendary Pokémon Darkrai. Frightened but fascinated by the experience, he began searching for any information about the mysterious beast. Since then, he has spent his life learning about the paranormal side of the Pokémon world. Research of this kind requires an uncommonly high level of funding, so to make ends meet, John opened Unova’s first (and only) paranormal investigation and removal company. His job took him around first Unova, then the world. Most of his work involved the removal of Ghost Pokémon, gaining him the nickname “the Ghost Buster”. Impressed with his mastery of ghost Pokémon during a investigation at her gym, Sinnoh’s Gardenia extended him an invitation to the PAX Pokémon League to serve as Gym Leader. With his trusty Rotom-pack and his own specially modified Dark Balls, Hamato takes on all challengers: Ghost, paranormal, or trainer alike! If you can show you “ain’t afraid of no ghosts” and take down his team, you will earn yourself the Buster Badge!

Buster Badge

East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Leader: Toph A Snails, the Metal Loving Biker!

GL25The easy rider, a rebel without a cause, Toph A. Snails was exiled from his hometown in the Wobbuffet village for a strong dislike for Wobbuffets. After a long weekend of defeats at the PAX Pokémon League at PAX East 2013, Toph went on a trek through the desert resort and became enlightened with this thought: “Man can not live by steel alone.” Since then, Toph has traveled the bike trails and started picking up various Pokémon from other bikers. Now he has set of on a path toward Boston again in 2014, with one thing on his mind: REVENGE. Can you stand the smoke and heat to earn the Easy-Rider Badge?

EasyRider Badge

East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Leaders: Sara & Stacy, The Sublime Scientists!


Listen up, challengers, because these two have done their homework and so should you! Scientists Sara and Stacy have been independently studying Pokémon all over the world for years and have developed a wealth of knowledge about their Pokémons’ strengths as well as their weaknesses. The two met in Kanto’s Safari Zone and, after facing each other in a well matched battle, decided to team up. Now, they’ve joined the PAX Pokémon League to show off what teamwork and correctly practiced science can do. If you think you’ve got what it takes, find a partner and put your knowledge to the test to earn the Biohazard Badge!Biohazard Badge

East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Leader: Calucian, the Desert Wind!

GL06After being recruited into the PAX Pokémon League last year, Calucian set out to continue his world explorations. Rather than returning to the Orre region, he felt a call to move farther out of his comfort zone and see more of the world. He began exploring various regions of the world from Hoenn to Unova, though always staying near the wastelands he so loves. Eventually he found himself in the Kalos region and there trained to strengthen his bond with his Pokémon at the Tower of Mastery. After mastering all the Tower had to offer, he settled in the harsh deserts nearby to further expand his knowledge of Ground type Pokémon, observing, and catching all that he could find. Now he’s returned to the League to put himself and his Pokémon to the test and see what new strength their adventures have brought them. Stand strong before Calucian and the might of the desert winds to earn the Dessication Badge!

Dessication Badge

East 2014 News, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Pokemon Advancement Expo MegaBingo Raffle Prizes, Part 1 of 3!

In a previous update, we talked about this year’s MegaBingo challenge, where you can earn a sticker for each Mega-Evolution you spot a Gym Leader using during battle… and that if you get four stickers in a row, you can come to myself or Researcher Kim to be awarded a Prize Pin and a Raffle Ticket (which are both Key Items, by the way)! What are those Tickets for, you ask? Why, they’re for entering the PPL MegaBingo Prize Raffle!

Every evening of PAX, in the Handheld Lounge, we’ll be raffling off a whole bunch of fabulous prizes! If you’ve earned a Raffle Ticket, you can choose to use it to enter that evening’s raffle. We’ll draw from all the collected raffle tickets to choose who wins each prize!* Keep in mind, though, that we start the raffle fresh each day, so if you use your Raffle Ticket on Friday, you can’t enter on Saturday or Sunday! Also, you have to be physically present at the raffle to win a prize! (We’re doing three separate Raffles so that even if you’re only at PAX for one day, you still have a chance to win!)

Here’s some of the fabulous prizes you can win! Note that we have TWO MORE POSTS of prizes that will be revealed soon, so these are just SOME of the prizes!

East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Leader: Oceanus, The Terror of the Deep!

GL36After PPL East ’13, Oceanus heard rumors of a region where Pokémon were evolving beyond what they could through normal means. Intrigued, he set off for the Kalos region to learn about this new mysterious evolution and what water types could be capable of achieving it. After learning many new things about Mega Evolution, Oceanus was notified that the Pokémon Advancement Expo would be taking place at PAX East ’14! Oceanus sees this as a perfect opportunity to study this new phenomenon in action, while keeping his Pokémon entertained with fierce competition! Can you make Oceanus wipe out and earn the Tsunami Badge?

Tsunami Badge

East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Leader: River Song, The Time-Traveling Archaeologist!

GL24Stolen from her parents at birth, River Song wandered through time and space trying to find a famous time traveler. She became an archaeologist to help her track her target through time, and on her first excavation she met the legendary Celebi. She followed Celebi to Johto and began to study the incredible histories of the Pokémon world, with the help of the team of ancient Pokémon she discovered during her travels. After seeing the universe with her two favorite companions, Celebi and a certain Time Lord, she returns to the Pokémon Advancement Expo this year to focus her research on the origins of Mega Evolution! To earn the Time Badge, you’ll have to defeat her team of- *Bzzt* “Spoilers, Sweetie!”

Time Badge


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