PAX East 2014

East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Leader: Alexander, the Emerald Knight!

GL04After seeing the various nefarious individuals in the PAX Pokémon League at PAX East 2013, Alexander decided to rededicate himself to defend against the degenerate and unjust. Along with his most trusted Pokémon, Alexander formed a team known as the Emerald Knights. Working with the International Police, the Knights travel from region to region to deal with the criminal element in whatever form it may take. This year, Alexander has returned to the PAX Pokémon League to keep an eye out for potential threats, as well as test the battling ability of the challengers to see if any are worthy of becoming an Emerald Knight. Pass his test, and stay on the right side of the law, to earn yourself the Emerald Badge.

Emerald Badge

East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Leader: Imakuni?, the Strange Life-Form!

GL09Little is known about the origins of Imakuni?, the strange singer who wanders the world on his quest to become famous. He often appears suddenly among gatherings of Pokémon trainers across the globe, singing songs about Pokémon and challenging fans to battles. His strange Psychic-type Pokémon coupled with his odd dance moves and behavior left most of his challengers bewildered. After disappearing for years, Imakuni? has decided to make his return at the PAX Pokémon League, claiming he is a gym leader. He’s determined to test the mettle of fellow Pokémon enthusiasts and maybe, just maybe, answer the age-old question: “Who is cuter? Pikachu or me?” If you can overcome this unusual character and his odd battling style, you’ll be rewarded with the Enigma Badge!

Enigma Badge

East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Leader: Roberto, The Iron Gentleman!

“I don’t want to cramp anyone’s style anymore…”GL05

Enchanted by Lysandre’s message, the young Roberto was eager to sign up to join Team Flare to show the world just how beautiful it could be. As time passed however, he began to notice that Team Flare and its leader in fact wished to wipe the slate clean. Upon the destruction of their hidden base, and with the team in shambles, Roberto quietly took his leave. Hiding out in Kiloude City, he spent a lot of time wondering what went wrong. One day, while looking out onto the safari, he saw a glimmer of metal: a wild Mawile! Entranced by its glimmer, he wasted no time in capturing it. He vowed then and there that he would show the world the elegance of Steel type Pokémon and do his best to make up for Team Flare’s mistakes. It wasn’t long before he heard of a great convention of Pokémon trainers in Boston. What a perfect opportunity to make his debut and spread his message! Steel yourself and crash his party to earn the Classy Badge!

Classy Badge

East 2014 News, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Rules Update UPDATE


Thanks to discerning challenger eyes, it has been brought to our attention that there was an error in the rule set! Team Preview cannot be turned off, and thus will not be required to be turned off (of course). We apologize for this oversight (our planning committee inserted that provisionally before X and Y came out).

Additionally, due to cries of unfair treatment from the Wormadam lobby, the Meowstic exception to the species rule has been revoked. Sorry, Meowstic lovers!

East 2014 News, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

2014 Rules Update!

Rules Update

Greetings all!

After a long, long debate, lots of late nights, and thousands of test-battles, our gym leaders have come up with our Rules update for East 2014! Check out the Rules page for the full rules, but here’s a short rundown of what has changed:

  • We’ll be using Pokémon X/Y this year.
  • IR Battle is now called “Battle with Someone Nearby (Infared).” It’s still the mode we’re using though.
  • There’s now an exception to the species clause. Leaders may allow exceptions for quirky “All one Species” teams.
  • Weather teams are now allowed, due to weather being limited.
  • Wonder Launcher is no longer an option, so that rule has been removed.
  • Blazikens with Speed Boost are not allowed.
  • Xerneas and Yveltal have been added to the banned list.
  • Zygarde has been added to the limited list.
  • We’ve added a clause that bans endless battle (because it’s annoying and nobody’s got time for that nonsense).
  • Kangaskhanite, Gengarite, Mewtwonite X, Mewtwonite Y, and Blazikenite, have been banned. More on this later.

We know this may be a bit controversial, but we’ve done our best to adjust the rules to keep things fun.


East 2014 News, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Planning Season is underway! Also X/Y OUT TOMORROW!

All gym leaders have officially been notified of their acceptance, and planning for the next PPL is underway! We will be working hard preparing to make this year the best PPL ever! We’ll be posting little hints and updates about this year’s theme, and eventually gym leader reveals, so keep your eyes on this space!

Also, Pokemon X and Y come out on the US east coast in ONE HOUR! GET HYPED!

(All gym leaders will only be accepting challenges in Pokemon X and Y, so make sure you grab a copy!)


Wishing you the best on your new adventure,


East 2014 News, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Applications for being a Gym Leader at PPL East 2014 close TONIGHT at MIDNIGHT (EST)

Leader hopefuls: today is your last chance to get your application to be a gym leader in! You can still do it, the application isn’t long, but there’s no time to waste!

And for those of you who have applied, make sure you application is complete! If you’re missing materials we will be forced to disregard your application.

Acceptance/rejection notices will be sent out in a few days!



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