Rudolf, the Sheer Cold Ice Trainer

Rudolf hails from a remote, wintery region of the Pokemon world. Growing up around Ice types, they’ve always been his favorite to battle with! However, upon setting out on his Pokemon journey, Rudolf was quickly made aware of the cold truths of being an Ice-type trainer: his opponents would often lash out at his team with powerful super effective attacks making every battle a challenge. Instead of turning away from his friends though, Rudolf opted to continue on with an icy resolve. He aimed to become the best Ice-type trainer! Looking to further tap into the hidden power of Ice-type Pokemon, Rudolf joined the PAX Pokemon League. Weather Rudolf’s storm and earn the Snowflake Badge!

Snowflake Badge
Professor Switch, the Downunder Delinquent

After PAX Aus 2017, our intrepid wandering Professor Switch set sail for his home in Kanto. As a good pokemon professor, Switch took his rickety floating bar-fridge of a sailing boat on a coastal tour of the Australian continent. Battling his way up the eastern coast of Australia, Switch made a name for himself in the most brutal Pokemon pit-fighting rings. One stormy evening, Switch found himself sheltering from near hurricane level conditions in an island bay off the coast of Queensland, Australia. Little did he know this island was known as Magnetic Island, home to a colony of feisty Magnezone. When the storm passed, Switch set sail over the Pacific Ocean for home. Near death after weeks at sea, our hero was rescued by a coastguard vessel out of Seattle…just in time to join the fracas at PAX West and learn how American poke-warriors battle.
Fight Switch with all your might, and earn the right to wear the Fatal Fury badge.

Fatal Fury Badge