Author name: snowyalice

Aus 2019 Leaders, PAX Aus 2019, PPL 2019

Introducting Your Aus 19 Leaders: The Vault Dweller, the Wasteland Trainer!

The Vault Dweller, the Wasteland Trainer

After emerging from the vault, The Vault Dweller began wandering the Wastelands, defeating and capturing creatures. She soon moved onto training those creatures in order to fight the raiders, ghouls and super mutants that occupy the wasteland. The Vault Dweller has now travelled to PAX Aus to see who can defeat her irradiated beasts!

Defeat The Vault Dweller to receive one shiny Bottlecap Badge!

Aus 2018 Leaders, PAX Aus 2018, PPL 2018

Introducing the PPL Australia 2018 Champion: Clair, the Blackthorn Dragon Master!

Clair, the Blackthorn Dragon Master!

After a string of lost battles to up-and-coming trainers, Blackthorn City Gym Leader Clair decided to travel the regions to regain her understanding of what makes a true dragon master. From the wide, wild seas of the Hoenn Region to the high peak of Mount Silver and in dark caves in the Decolore Islands, she has travelled and trained to hone her knowledge and skill. Now confident once more in her abilities, Clair has followed in the footsteps of her famous cousin Lance and is accepting all-comers to battle.

She is ready to demonstrate the awesome power of dragons and give challengers the chance to earn the Rising Badge. She knows that any who defeat her in battle now will be worthy of the title of Pokémon League Champion.

Aus 2018 Leaders, PAX Aus 2018, PPL 2018

Elite Reveal: Introducing Duke, the Ghastly Horror!

Duke, the Ghastly Horror!

Two years have passed since Duke was last seen at PPL Aus, and there’s now something spooky about him. Objects seem to float in the air around him, strange whispers follow his wake. Has some kind of possession taken place? Help us find the cause of this mystery, otherwise we don’t stand a ghost of a chance against him.

Will you exorcise his team and receive the Spirit Badge!?

Aus 2018 Leaders, PAX Aus 2018, PPL 2018

Elite Reveal: Introducing Professor Switch, the American Eagle!

Professor Switch, the American Eagle!

As Switch sets sail for Kanto after PAX Aus 2017, his faithful dancing birds swoop about the yardarms. He makes several stops as he travels the continent of Australia, meeting new and interesting friends – some who choose to adventure with our hapless hero. As he ventured along the Queensland coastline, he was caught in a storm near some coastal islands. Little did our hero know, but his compass had been scrambled by the powerful forces generated by the Magnezones inhabiting Magnetic Island. After weeks of sailing the Pacific Ocean, Switch finally made landfall in Seattle, USA.

Switch, being the ever curious Pokémon professor he is, battled valiantly against the mighty trainers of North America at PAX West 2018, side by side with his new and old friends. In the process, he secured a new means of transport back to PAX Aus…a flight with the most Braviary of aviators – The American Eagles.

Can you handle the in-flight service and receive the Top Gun Badge? Or will you succumb to my need for speed?

Aus 2018 Leaders, PAX Aus 2018, PPL 2018

Elite Reveal: Introducing Kenny, the Cantankerous Canadian Combatant!

Kenny, the Cantankerous Canadian Combatant!

The road to becoming champion is not and easy one to traverse. One must overcome many obstacles and achieve victory in all forms of battles whether it be Singles, Doubles… or Ferrum!! Hailing from the frozen north, Kenny has come to Australia for some rest and relaxation bringing with him a style of battle not practiced by much.

Will you be able to button mash your way to claim the Gaia Badge??

Aus 2018 Leaders, PAX Aus 2018, PPL 2018

Elite Reveal: Introducing Rose, the Friendly Pokémon Enthusiast!

Rose, the Friendly Pokémon Enthusiast!

This Dark type gym leader can be seen walking around in her type matched attire; A black hooded jersey emblazoned with a generic Pokémon symbol and finished with a pair of ears on top, cargo pants (to hold everything she could ever need) and the good ol’ fashioned black and white converse or occasionally (when she feels like adding a little flair) her knee high combat boots. Last but not least is a black mesh shirt to tie it all together and complete the outfit and with it, Rose’s place as a Dark Type gym leader.

Brighten up Rose’s day to claim the Petal Badge!

Aus 2018 Leaders, PAX Aus 2018, PPL 2018

Elite Reveal: Introducing Mordecai, Gentleman of the Bayou!

Mordecai, Gentleman of the Bayou!

Let me tell ya a story bout ol’ Mordecai, child. Bout the Bayou and a polite fool who finds his home there. Place like that ain’t made for just anyone, a person can lose themselves in the Bayou…it eats you whole if you let it. When Mordecai first went missin…we thought he’d just been another poor soul lost in the swamp. Poor Mordecai, we thought. A man who was hard to hate and found the bright side in everything.
Turns out not even the treacherous swamp could conquer that man, in fact he even took a liking to the place. Treacherous mud? Mordecai calls it “fun”. Can’t grow food? Mordecai developed what he calls a “unique palette”. And the smell? Smells like home to ol’ Mordecai.
Point is, you ain’t never seen a trainer quite like him. Now I know what you’re thinkin, mostly boring water-types round them parts? Right you are, child, some right strong ones too, he’d be tellin ya, if ye bothered to look.
Heh, what’s that? Lookin to challenge this hearty ol’ gentleman of the wilds? Well, boy, don’t be botherin with the Bayou, not this time. Ol’ Mordecai’s off to the PPL Aus. But if you need yourself a Bayou Badge, then go show Mordecai your strength and your style. He loves a good tussle.

“Come one come all, let us revel in this fair establishment and have a most splendiferous bout! Fair warning, do keep your wits about you, lest you end up sunk like the rest of ’em.”

Aus 2018 News, PAX Aus 2018, PPL 2018

Get Your PPL Australia Trainer Cards!

Is this your first time versing the Pax Pokémon League? Or are you a veteran league challenger?

Make sure you ask the first leader you battle for a handy-dandy Trainer Card! This card contains everything you need to know about the PAX Pokémon League and how you can become the Champion! Each card contains a list of all the leaders, meet-up times, our social media and a brief summary of the rules.

Leader meet-ups will be at 2pm in the Handheld Lounge (at the new location opposite the Main Theatre!), but outside of these times, you’re most likely to find leaders there.

Aus 2018 Leaders, PAX Aus 2018, PPL 2018

Leader Reveal: Introducing Reaper, The Edge Lord! And Rules Update!

Reaper, the Edge Lord!

Reaper is going through his emo phase and is trying to be cool, and what’s the coolest thing ever? Edge. He aspires to be the edgiest in the world and will reach that goal with his team of Pokémon

Show Reaper who’s the coolest for a chance to snag a Shadow Badge!


The rules for PAX Pokémon League Australia have been updated! Please check the Rules tab for further details and changes.

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