Elites: Ephraim, the Soaring Seeker, Nieve, the Shy, Shivering Skiier, Brantley, the Area Apparition and Coben, the Moon Gazer!

Ephraim, the Soaring Seeker!

A profound sense of adventure drives Ephraim ever forward. Always looking for something new to discover, he soars around the world with his Flying-type friends. From up on high, he looks to the world for the next discovery.

Ephraim soars the skies with Flying types. Bring them down with Ice and Electric attacks to earn the Welkin Emblem!


Nieve, the Shy, Shivering Skiier!

Nieve has always been a shy quiet boy growing up in the snowy mountains of Paldea as the brother of Grusha. One day, watching his brother at a snowboarding competition, he saw skiers and it was love at first sight. He slowly became the best ski racer, winning many ski races and becoming famous all over the region. Being the shy person he was, he left the fame to follow once again in his brother’s footsteps and becoming a gym leader.

Strap on your skis and hit the slopes to speed past the competition and win the Alpine Skiing Emblem!


Brantley, the Area Apparition!

Brantley is a Pokémon specialist dedicated to the study of Ghost-type Pokémon and the occasional Dark-type they accompany. As a former scientist at the Silph company in Kanto, Brantley has since retreated to the recluses of the old chateau in Eterna Forest where only his most recent student studying terastallization has contact with him. A former Gym Leader, Brantley returns to the PAX Pokémon League to serve in battle as an Elite.

Those who manage against the supernatural will be awarded the Silph Emblem!


Coben, the Moon Gazer!

Coben is used to traveling alone at night. He favors clear, moonlit nights where he can relax underneath the stars with his Pokémon. Ghost-types used to bother him back in Galar as a kid, but in Paldea he carries dark friends that keep him safe.

Bring your best Fighters, Bugs and Fairies to earn the Moon Emblem!

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