PAX East 2014

East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Elite Six Member: Mirage, The Mysterious Battler!

GL14Upon hearing how the outsider Jim Raynor came to be involved with the PAX Pokémon League at PAX Prime 2013, Mirage took it upon himself to deceive Raynor out of going to East and to replace him. The son of a Dark-type using magician, he grew to appreciate art of deception. The Pokémon he has bonded with and uses in battle represent the some of the darkest Pokémon in the ‘dex. In order to beat him, be prepared to face the die that will choose between two teams…. You must know your way around battling if you want to have a chance to defeat this deceptive master! See past his tricks to earn the Deception Emblem!

Deception Emblem

East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Elite Six Member: Whitney, the Incredibly Pretty Girl!

GL32From a very young age, Whitney was part of the Johto Pokémon League. Getting restless of being the Goldenrod gym leader, she decided to visit her pen pals, Dawn and Cynthia. They kept talking about their travels to the Boston area and how both their experiences helped refresh their outlook on battling. Whitney then decided to see what these two champions were talking about and now finds herself at PAX East to fight young and refreshing trainers. Come see if you have what it takes to survive Whitney’s honed skills and earn the Rollout Emblem!

Rollout Emblem

East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Elite Six Member: Oak, Elm and Birch, the (Imposter?) Professors!

GL34cGL34a GL34b

The PAX Pokémon League, in a scramble to find some of the most renowned scientists in the Pokémon field to attend the Pokémon Advancement Expo, sent out a few letters and made a few calls. Perhaps they called the wrong numbers or sent letters to the wrong address, because the renowned professors they sought out arrived at the Expo with a bit of an evil glance in their eyes…. With smiles on their faces, the Oak, Elm and Birch who arrived asked (or demanded, but let’s not split hairs) to battle this years challengers. With terrifying smiles like theirs, who could say no?! Take them down and you’ll come out with a shiny Counterfeit Emblem! (We swear it’s real.)

Counterfeit Emblem

East 2014 News, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Handheld Lounge Meetup Times and Raffle Times!!!

Handheld Meetup Times

PAX is fast approaching, and one of the yearly traditions of the PPL is that we hold a meetup on each day of PAX in the Handheld lounge. Meetups are a good chance to catch lots of Gym Leaders in one place, chat and mingle with other challengers, compare badges, trade for Pokemon you’re missing… they’re not to be missed!

We’ll be holding meetups in the Handheld Lounge on:

Friday (the 11th) at 1 PM,

Saturday (the 12th) at 3:30 PM,

Sunday (the 13th) at 2 PM

MegaBingo Raffles will be held in front of Handheld Lounge on:

Friday (the 11th) at 5 PM, 

Saturday (the 12th) at 5:30 PM,

Sunday (the 13th)’s MegaBingo Raffle will take place at 7 PM on the Mezzanine of the lobby of the Westin Hotel  (the hotel that is connected to the Convention Center). There will also be a final meetup/goodbye session then. (Since PAX is technically over then!)


Remember, for all raffles, you must be present to win! You come to the Raffle, you turn in your Raffle ticket, and if you’re drawn, you win a prize! It’s that simple!

See you there!

East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Elite Six Member: Ciro, the Dragon Hunter!

GL15Since he was young, Ciro has travelled the regions, hunting down and capturing dangerous wild Dragon-type Pokémon as an unlicensed trainer, always bringing them back to Blackthorn Gym Leader Clair for safekeeping. His deeds finally earned him a trainers license, and his skill earned him a position as an Ice-type Gym Leader. Recently, as Ciro travelled in the Kalos region to learn more about the newly discovered Fairy-type, he was attacked by a swarm of Ghost Pokémon. Ciro managed to fight them off, but they had not attacked alone. They had been spurred on by a powerful ghost who had felt the rage of the dragons Ciro had captured, and had sympathized. That powerful ghost was none other than the ruler of the Distortion World, Giratina. Giratina attacked and stole Ciro’s beloved Walrein, dragging it into its underworld. Thus an enraged and mourning Ciro began a new hunt, outfitting his team with two new types to suit his new quarry. His rigorous training earned him a spot as a member of the League’s Elite 6. Now he challenges trainers to test his strength, offering the icy Cocytus Emblem to those who can prove he is not yet strong enough to face Giratina.

Cocytus Emblem

East 2014 News, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Challengers! We need your sleuthing skills to help keep the PPL safe!

Here it is! Your final message from Alexander about the nefarious plot that may be threatening the Pokémon Advancement Expo! With your help, I’m sure we can get to the bottom of this.

If you manage to figure out who’s behind this, come let me know, as I have been authorized by the PokéNobel Committee to present you with this honorary (and very shiny) PokéNobel Prize*:

PokéNobel Prize

*(while supplies last.)

Here’s the message:


Challenger of the PAX Pokémon League,

As promised, I am entrusting you with confidential profiles of the 6 Targets of Interest (TOI) in our ongoing investigation of the scientist gathering in the PAX Pokémon League at the Pokémon Advancement Exposition. I stress to you that while these scientists are considered TOI, there is no evidence at this time that they have committed any crime, or are conspiring to do such, and thus they should be approached appropriately. In other words, don’t levy accusations on them. We need their information to determine the identity of the real target of this investigation: the benefactor that has gathered these scientists.

Once again, let me remind you that all that is required is for you to inquire about the Mega Pokémon studies of any of TOI that you encounter, and that questioning 4 of the 6 TOI should be provide sufficient intel to identify our target.

-Alexander, Leader of the Emerald Knights

East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Elite Six Member: Antoine, the Dethroned Bug King!

GL31Two years ago Antoine exploded onto the scene as the bug leader of the PPL and left no doubt that his beloved bugs were a force to be reckoned with. But news of this rough treatment got back to the people of his kingdom and was the spark they needed to rise up. Led by one of their own, Bugly, another promising bug-type trainer, they cast Antoine down and banished him from his kingdom. They then elected Bugly as their leader and he represented bug type Pokémon at the next PAX East.

Antoine wandered the deserts, forests, and mountains surrounding his former kingdom and rededicated himself to his bug Pokémon. Together they trained harder than ever and when time came to represent bugs for the PPL Antoine challenged Bugly for the honor. His grueling training and new techniques have elevated him to elite status and Bugly proved no match. He may no longer be king but Antoine is back to show that bugs are king. Defeat him and you’ll earn the Carapace Crown Emblem and be one step closer to facing the Champion!

Carapace Crown Emblem

East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Elite Six Member: Sabrina, Master of Psychic Pokemon!

GL37Sabrina first discovered her psychic powers as a young child in the Kanto region’s Saffron City. From that day onward, she began to develop a powerful bond with Pokémon that shared her natural ability. After battling in Unova’s Pokémon World Tournament, Sabrina had a vision of a gathering of countless trainers at the PAX Pokémon League. Sensing the potential for greatness among them, she immediately took it upon herself to test their mettle. A veteran gym leader, Sabrina has faced more than her fair share of Pokémon battles. Rumor has it that she knows how every battle will end, days before its even begun. Defeat her to earn the Marsh Emblem, and take one step closer to facing the champion!

Marsh Emblem

East 2014 News, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Pokemon Advancement Expo MegaBingo FANGAMER Raffle Prizes! Part 3 of 3!

As previously promised, here’s Part 3 of 3 of our Prize posts!

PREVIOUS PRIZE POSTS: Part 1 (lots of cool Pokemon crafts and a plush!) and Part 2 (PA books and MORE POKEMON STUFF and PA stuff!)

(In case you weren’t aware: every evening of PAX, in the Handheld Lounge, we’ll be raffling off a whole bunch of fabulous prizes! If you’ve earned a Raffle Ticket by completing the MegaBingo board on the back of your card, you can choose to use it to enter that evening’s raffle. We’ll draw from all the collected raffle tickets to choose who wins each prize! Keep in mind, though, that we start the raffle fresh each day, so if you use your Raffle Ticket on Friday, you can’t enter on Saturday or Sunday! Also, you have to be physically present at the raffle to win a prize! [We’re doing three separate Raffles so that even if you’re only at PAX for one day, you still have a chance to win!])

This week’s amazing prizes are all cool stuff from Fangamer! Fangamer makes the coolest game-inspired merchandise, it’s run by super nice people, and a few of our gym leaders even work there! (When they’re not running their gyms, of course.)

Fangamer Prizes!
We have TWO copies (one hardcover and one paperback) of Kari Fry’s super popular “Field Guide to Kanto” (which sold out on its first run!), two packs of  Pocket Posse pins, and a Starters Set pins pack!

Thanks, for your support, Fangamer! <3

The Field Guide to Kanto books are GORGEOUS. We, the Research Department at PPL, keep personal copies on our desks for reference at all times! Not even Professor Oak himself has done such faithful yet artistic representations of the 151 species found in the Kanto region, and the information in the book is invaluable for any Pokémon Researcher worth her salt.

Also, just FYI, Fangamer also makes fantastic Pokemon Inspired Apparel. Their Gym tanktops are Propriety’s go-to summer outfit! ;D We didn’t get any of these as prizes, though, because we didn’t want you to win the wrong size shirt! But Fangamer will be at PAX East and they’ll have all this stuff and more! Make sure you check out their awesome booth in the Expo Hall! And tell them the PPL sent you! :B
East 2014 Leaders, PAX East 2014, PPL 2014

Leader: Mudman Dan, the Clay Chemist!

GL26Growing up with a severe lack of self-confidence, young Daniel’s only friend was a Wooper, the first Pokémon he ever caught. Spending most of his time playing with Wooper in the mud, he found his imagination oddly sparked when digging his hands through the wet earth, and turned his thoughts towards training Pokémon. Pushing himself to become a Gym Leader, Daniel overcame his lack of confidence with the help of his Pokémon including Quagsire, and has become famous for his experimental use of Ground-type Pokémon. If you can hold your ground against this Gym Leader, you’ll receive the Terracotta Badge!


Terracotta Badge


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