PAX West 2023, PPL 2023, West 2023 Leaders

PPL West 2023 is kicking off with Blythe, the Dewdrop Chaser and Damekage, The Genetics Researcher!

Blythe, the Dewdrop Chaser

Glittering droplets spilling from the sky, how anyone can hate the rain is beyond Blythe. Especially the enchanting world a true rainfall will leave behind where everything sparkles. On their journey they have found friends that likewise love the rain, or that lovely wonderland that exists after a storm has passed. Chasing both that serenity after a downpour or that crashing splash of battle, Blythe is always ready to share her love of the rain and what it can bring.

Prepare for a downpour to defeat Blythe the Dewdrop Chaser to earn the Rain Badge!

Damekage, The Genetics Researcher

Shiny Pokémon are a mystery; to further his understanding of this phenomenon, Damekage has begun to study Pokémon that do not evolve. Help him discover the answer of why some Pokémon are shiny.

Damekage uses Pokémon that don’t evolve! Be ready for each individual surprise to earn the Genetics Badge!