PPL: Online 2021 starts May 28th 10am EST and goes through until May 31st 8pm EST
Click below to see our list of events!
We have once again brought you events to attend to in addition to our world famous gym challenge. Please feel free to peruse them above! Rules and How to Challenge is also included within.
Please click the photo below to join our Discord!
Our gym challenge as well as some of our events will take place on our Discord channel so please join us! We are already open and ready to accept registration for challengers. Come on and register to be eligible to battle our gym leaders to become the champion of PPL: Online 2021!
Please click the photo below to follow our Twitch!
We will host some of events through our Twitch channel! However, many of our leaders will also be streaming their own battles on their Twitch channels as well!
Here is a list of all of our leaders who will be streaming battles so you can start following them:
Loopy, the Poke-Cosplayer
Scoot, the Overworked Nursery Worker
Erkenhelm, the Ultimate Dragon Slayer
TohruChu, The Poisonous
Prof. Cedar, the Researching Sightseer
Volcanus, the Frosty Flame
Perseverance, the Extraplanetary Geologist
Gus, the Bug Creep