Leader: Greta, Lady of Merits!

GL17The only child of a wealthy family, Greta was taught from an early age to be prim and proper. Her days were filled with private teachings, finishing school, and lessons of etiquette. With little time for friends, she took solace in the companionship of her Pokémon.

One fateful day, while Greta and her family visited Saffron City, she became lost in the crowd. Alone and frightened, she ran through the streets with panicked tears in her eyes. That was when She came: beautiful, with confident grace, She washed Greta’s tears away and guided her through the city. When they finally found her family, She told Greta that a lady should be both beautiful and strong; words that she would remember all her life.

When Greta returned home she resolved to become a Pokémon trainer and prove her strength to herself and the world. Now, years later, she has become the leader of her own gym where she teaches others to be graceful, calm, proper and strong. Can you find the strength of heart  to earn the Merit Badge?


Merit Badge

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