Captain Rusty, the Seafaring Wanderer and Aurethious, the Emerald Knight burst through!

Captain Rusty, the Seafaring Wanderer

Always captivated by the sea’s siren song, Rusty took to the waves with an explorer’s heart. The sea is a fickle mistress, though, and one must always prepare for the inevitable storm. Encountering many a Water type through his travels, he found a kinship with them through their love of the open waters. Now captain of his own vessel, Rusty battles with teams prepared for both clear skies and stormy seas.


Scuttle Captain Rusty and his crew to earn the Galleon Badge!

The Galleon Badge

Aurethious, the Emerald Knight


The thrill of the battle is all that matters for Aurethious. After years of taking on all Challengers as Gym Leader at PAX East, he couldn’t help but be excited for the chance to face off with Challengers from all around the world! With a focus on teamwork, he looks to show everyone how important cohesion in battle can be.

Beat Aurethious and win the Emerald Badge!

The Emerald Badge

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