The OFFICIAL Semi-official PPL Trainer Badge Case Tutorial!

Pinning your badges to the inside of your vest is so 1st gen. Follow these easy instructions and soon you’ll be showing off your collection in style!

What you’ll need:

A pencil case (or other appropriately sized clamshell container). It doesn’t have to be florescent magenta, but it can be!

High density foam. Available at Joanne’s (or whatever your regional fabric store may be).

Fabric. I’m using faux velvet not only because it’s fancy, but it’s also hard to photograph.

Spray adhesive. I’ve found Super 77 to be the best.

Optional Things:

Spray Paint. If your pencil case happens to be florescent magenta and you do not want it to be florescent magenta, you’ll need this. Make sure you get the kind made for plastic!


What to do:

If your going to paint your case, better get it over and done with now. I painted this one antique bronze. It’s like a little plastic heirloom.

Important tip: If your going to paint your case, be sure to mask the bottom so the glue sticks to the plastic, not the paint.

While your waiting for the paint to dry, have some cake.

Cut to foam so it fits easily into the case’s bottom. Scissors are good for this, but an electric knife is better.

Cut the cloth so that it will wrap around the edges, then lightly spray the middle of the cloth with the adhesive and attach the foam.

Have some more cake. You’ve earned it.

Now, spray around the edges and wrap the cloth around the foam. When that’s dry, spray both the bottom of the foam and the bottom of the case and carefully install the pad so that there are no wrinkles where the badges will sit.

That glue’s going to take a while to set up completely. What to do to occupy the time…

Look at that! You’re all done. Now go out and wait several months, then go to PAX and fill that case with as many badges as you can get your hands on!!

(This guide brought to you by the very talented Morganstern!)

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