Elites: Propriety, Nightshade, and Danny!

Propriety, PHD in Scarfology!

Strategy: Looking good with fashionable scarves.
Trainer’s Pokemon: Only those with the comfiest scarves.
Trainer’s Message: A good scarf compliments any outfit.

Don’t get tangled up in my scarves to earn the Scarf Emblem!


Nightshade, the Poisonous Huntress!

Strategy: To hide in the beauty around.
Pokemon: Beautiful but deadly.
Trainer Message: Mix it up to create your poison.

Survive the toxic atmosphere to earn the Belladonna Emblem!

Danny, the Double Threat!

Strategy: Predictive battling using duos of fiendish Ghost-Type Pokemon!
Trainer’s Pokemon: Ghastly ghosts, ghouls, goblins, and geists!
Trainer’s Message: Welcome to my house of horrors!

Can you escape alive, with the Geist Emblem in hand?

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