A Letter from Alexander

Victory. All that mattered was victory. Standing by and watching Champions be celebrated, while the Gym Leaders were mere footnotes in the story caused a fire to be lit inside that would burn only for victory. So, I assembled a group of Leaders who had that same desire to showcase their skills and the Four Horsemen were born. For two years, the Horsemen have held court at PAX East and sent Challenger after Challenger packing in an attempt to show our strength. And show we did.

A very select few managed to topple all of us. But by and large, the Horsemen tasted victory. It should have been sweeter than it was, though. As the dust cleared from last year’s PAX Pokémon League, I couldn’t help but feel an emptiness. Sure, I racked up many wins in battle, but something was missing. Something that I had long thrived on. That something was the thrill of the battle.

I knew I need to find that something again. As I was making preparations for this year’s PAX Pokémon League, I was approached by a group of Leaders. They wanted to be this year’s Four Horsemen. I explained to them that the Horsemen would ride no more. That there was more to this than proving supremacy. It would appear that they didn’t like my answer.

They have banded together to carry on the legacy of the Four Horsemen that I created. In that sense, I think it’s only fitting that I be the one to prepare you to tear it down. These are the Leaders you should be gunning for if you want to take down the Four Horsemen.

Qrow Branwen: An expert huntsman who is equally as skilled in the art of Pokemon battling. With the ability to turn your luck against you he will not be easy to defeat.

Gladion: A trainer who fully embraces the power of the dark. Anyone who has spent time in Alola knows the prowess that you’ll be up against here.

Hercules: An aficionado of both bugs and blades. Be prepared to bust through some serious armor to survive the swarm.

The Cloud: A tech whiz with an affinity for an aerial assault. Don’t underestimate this master tactician, as you’ll need everything you have to send him crashing to the ground.

Take down these four and you’ll score yourself the Symbol of Excellence. And in the process, I hope you can teach them the lesson that you all taught me. Strength comes from more than just victory.


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