Leaders: Keiko, The Pokémon Nanny, and Rory, The Wily Scrapper!

Keiko, The Pokémon Nanny

Loving Pokémon from a young age, Keiko has struggled with becoming a strong Pokémon trainer. It took some time, but she found that her talents lay in raising and training Pokémon when they are young to be their strongest!

Defeat Keiko and her baby Pokémon to earn the Nurture Badge!

Rory, The Wily Scrapper

Getting into scraps since a young age, Rory learned quickly that it’s not enough to be strong, but you have to fight clever as well. He and his Pokémon are out to show what happens when you fight smarter and harder.

Outwit and out-muscle Rory to earn the Ruckus Badge!

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