PPL East 2025 Applications Are Now Open Until January 10th!
We’re looking for up-and-coming trainers from around the world to don the green scarf and defend the tradition of the PAX Pokemon League at PAX East 2025! Applications will be open until January 10th! We will let everyone know shortly after if they have been accepted.
ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE! SAVE THE LINK AT THE END. That way, if you need to come back and edit this entry later, you can just return to the link! Just make sure you don’t forget to finish your application by the deadline!!!
(This is a Frequently Asked Question, so I’ll answer it here: if you have more than one gym leader idea, that’s fine, but put your best/most likely one here. If you want to change later, we will discuss it on the discord.)
(Full details on what being a gym leader entails can be found here: https://paxpokemonleague.net/get-involved/)
If you guys have any questions please feel free to DM @ doomydesu or @ Erkenhelm on Discord, or email us at paxpokemoneast@gmail.com !
I’m here to help!
~doomy :3 & Erkenhelm
Looking for posts from previous years of PPL East?
Visit the Archives!
Latest News
PPL EAST is over! Hope you had fun! Here’s the link to the feedback survey, which helps us improve future events! https://forms.gle/4RLH5NWPCsLRbnJG7
Go to here for info on how to join the PPL at PAX EAST 2024!
PPL East ’24 Applications
Ever wanted to be a Pokemon gym leader like in your favorite main series Pokemon games? Now is your chance! Applications to be a gym leader for the PAX Pokemon League at PAX East 2024…
Latest Posts
DJ/G’s Challenger Showcase!
doomy doominatorA message from one of our Gym Leaders at PPL East 2024, DJ/G!
“All you challengers and leaders who participated at PPL two weeks ago at East already know this, but as DJ/G, “The Musically Omnivorous Radio Host,” I spent almost the entirety of PAX taking both challengers and song requests to accompany those battles, and 26 of you (Thank you so much!!), in addition to providing the soundtrack to the weekend, also took me up on the offer to record your voices for part of the upcoming episode of my IRL radio show, The Andover Special. Well……….. the time has come! It’s officially available now on Mixcloud, where all of my shows are archived. Tune in, rock out, and enjoy the music-induced flashbacks you may get if you were there in person.”
https://www.mixcloud.com/theandoverspecial/149-clean-version-the-andover-special-djgs-challenger-showcase/note: song(s) may include non-PG/-suggestive content
PPL East 2024 Leader photo
doomy doominatorA huge thank you again to everyone who participated this year at PPL East 2024, and especially thank you to our amazing Gym Leaders for taking the time out of their schedules to make PPL a memorable experience for everyone involved! Without you, we would have no PPL. Hope to see everyone again in 2025!
Champion: Zen Gredora, the Shiny Bug Enthusiast!
ErkenhelmZen Gredora, the Shiny Bug Enthusiast!
Trained in the ancient ways of the Gredora clan deep in the jungle, Zen was raised to appreciate and depend on Bug Pokémon for safety and direction. Over time, Zen gained an affinity for shiny Bug Pokémon in particular and sought as many of them as he could. He now seeks to show the world the shiny Bugs he’s trained as the Champion.
Keep calm and set fire to Zen’s shiny bugs to secure your place in the PPL East ’24 Hall of Fame!
Elites: Aidan, Master of Dragon Types, Leopold, the Masterful Magician, Kofu, the Surging Chef, and Leafa, the Steeper!
ScottAidan, Master of Dragon Types!
Aidan has long been a fan of Dragons and taking on higher and higher challenges with them. Together they’ve defeated many opponents, but they still continue to seek more fights and challenges. Aidan returns to East again with his Dragons to welcome all challengers to battle him for a chance at his badge.
Face the might of Dragons to win the Flaming Claw Emblem!
Leopold, the Masterful Magician!
Leopold is an accomplished stage magician who took Paldea by storm, bringing grand illusions to life with the help of his Pokémon partners. He was scouted by the PAX Pokémon League after a representative attended one of his performances, and now his partners help him battle with the best as a proud League member between shows!
See through Leopold’s trickery to earn the Illusion Emblem!
Kofu, the Surging Chef!
Kofu works as a chef as well as a gym leader. He specializes in seafood cuisine! He is the head chef of his own restaurant named “The Kofu Lounge” in Cascarrafa. Kofu sometimes gets his ingredients from auction at Porto Marinada.
Take the plunge against Kofu’s Water Types to win the Chilling Water Emblem!
Leafa, the Steeper!
Leafa trained at tea shops and cafes around Johto, honing her skill in the art of making tea. She made friends of the various Pokémon that helped her find the best leaves, the purest waters, and fiercest of fires in her tea travels. She has arrived at the PAX Pokémon League, in search of adventurers willing to assist her in making the best tea in the world!
Overcome elemental forces to spill the Tea Emblem!
Elites: Koravith, the Dragon Scholar, Coben, the Wandering Woodsman, Nyx, the Nocturnal Knight, and Anthony, the Edenic Gardner!
ErkenhelmKoravith, the Dragon Scholar!
Starting at a young age, Koravith had a fascination with Dragons. Once he was old enough, Koravith traveled all of the different regions to gather all the knowledge he could about Dragons through reading and nature. After years of traveling and studying, Koravith feels that he has found the strongest Dragons and lives to test their strength against other trainers.
Match the Dragons’ strength to be worthy of the Dragon Tome Emblem!
Coben, the Wandering Woodsman!
Since he was little, Coben loved nature and being outdoors, playing for hours with his partner Pokémon Sprigatito. As they grew, they spent more time outside, battling strong Pokémon and trainers wherever they were. Having conquered the forests of Paleda and Kitakami, he seeks to find another wilderness to hone his skills. Now he prepares to head East, following rumors of a concrete jungle.
Bring the heat to earn the Woodland Emblem!
Nyx, the Nocturnal Knight!
Normally a creature of the night, Nyx will wake up from his daytime slumber (with coffee in hand) to answer the call of any challenger. Nyx has always been fascinated by the dark, be it the sights, the sounds, or the fear it brings. Beware, for he will bring what he has studied of the night to his battles.
Shine a light to conquer the night and win the Twilight Emblem!
Anthony, the Edenic Gardener!
No one knows quite how long Anthony has been honing their gardening talent, but their apples have won first prize in Galar’s gardening championships 10 years running. As a gym leader, Anthony is renowned for their expertise in reptilian Grass Pokémon.
Freeze these cold-blooded Grass types to win the Malum Emblem!
Leaders: Nanite, the Serpent Master and Frode, the Man Who Skied All the Way Here!
ErkenhelmNanite, the Serpent Master!
Originally hailing from Hoenn, Nanite grew up in Unova where he helped to run his family’s herpetarium. Recently, he was recruited by Cyrano for assistance with the Terrarium and making it suitable for certain Pokémon. Nanite has since stuck around as a subject matter expert.
Shed Nanite’s statuses and claim the Scale Badge!
Frode, the Man Who Skied All the Way Here!
Frode was skiing and catching Ice-type Pokémon on Cool, Cool Mountain when he looked at the time and realized he was going to be late for PAX! He figured that since he was running late, he didn’t have time to go to his car, so he started skiing directly for Boston. That was weeks ago, but Frode arrived just in time!
Keep steady on your feet to win Frode’s Slippery Badge!
Leaders: Norton, the Legacy Battler, Karl, the Daring Miner and Oscar, the Shiny Master!
ErkenhelmNorton, the Legacy Battler!
Norton is a veteran who has been training Pokémon for decades. Using a dominant type in past Kanto, he has caught several Pokémon that have become stronger in later developments or alternate forms of older discovered Pokémon in other regions. His intuition is very strong along with his link with his Pokémon. He is often at the top of his game.
Overcome Norton’s tried and tested partners to win the Contingency Badge!
Karl, the Daring Miner!
Karl is a daring miner employed by Deep Rock Galactic for many years, where he was launched into alien infested plants to mine precious minerals. Over the years, Karl has done may daring and challenging things, but one thing was always out of his reach – he had always wanted to run his own mine. When Karl heard that the Paldea region was rich with gems that people used to power up your Pokémon, he was sold. Karl came to Paldea in hopes of befriending the local Pokémon to help him mine and sell tera shards.
Mine through the rubble to find the Shiny Stone Badge!
Oscar, the Shiny Master!
Shiny hunting requires ultimate patience and dedication to the craft. Ever since Oscar was very young, he has been building his ultimate team of shinies, and now he’s ready to show off his dedication to challengers.
Sparkle to the finish to win Oscar’s Shiny Badge!
Leaders: Jimmy Ryan, the Freaky Fast Delivery Guy, Packer, the Powerful Pet Owner and Charlotte, the Black Widow!
ErkenhelmJimmy Ryan, the Freaky Fast Delivery Guy!
Jimmy Ryan has one true goal: delivering freaky fresh sandwiches, made with the highest quality ingredients, freaky fast. With the help of some newly acquired Paldean Pokémon, Jimmy Ryan is all the more ready to show the region who the true king of sandwich making is.
Gotta be freaky fast to catch the Superior Sandwich badge!
Packer, the Powerful Pet Owner!
Packer brought his prominent pets back for more feline fun! After a few semesters at Blueberry Academy, his Pokémon are as cute and cuddly as they are capable. These rambunctious rodents, crazy canines and boundless birds are here to bring the fame and the pain.
Watch your head and hairballs if you want to secure a Paws of Fury Badge!
Charlotte, the Black Widow!
Charlotte’s life has been blessed with great fortune. Unfortunately, that hasn’t rubbed off onto her suitors; all of them seemed to disappear under mysterious circumstances, leaving nothing behind but their riches for her to remember them by.
Make Charlotte pay to win the Widow Badge!
Leaders: Mr. Romy, the Ace Alumni, Battalion, the Hot Iron, and Lark Quizzleton, the Trivial Tidbit Weirdo!
ErkenhelmMr. Romy, the Ace Alumni!
How long has it been? A few years? A lot of years? You haven’t seen many of these Pokémon in so long, and it looks like they’ve all grown! Welcome to the Pokémon High School Reunion, where all your old friends have reunited – but be careful, they’re all stronger! All of Mr. Romy’s Pokémon evolved after their debut generation, and they’re looking to show you how much they have changed.
Relive the glory days to earn the High School Reunion Badge!
Battalion, the Hot Iron!
Battalion makes weapons – but not just in the forge. Their Pokémon are tougher than the anvil and strike harder than the hammer. Don’t let their cheerful demeanor fool you – those arms are hard as steel!
Strike while the iron is hot to earn the Crucible Badge!
Lark Quizzleton, the Trivial Tidbit Weirdo!
Professor Lark Quizzleton, a renowned but oddball Pokémon researcher, changed careers after having a mid-life crisis. Now they teach at the Blueberry Academy, where they became famous for their unique approach of teaching lesser-known and just plain weird knowledge about Pokémon. The allure of learning things that students would never need to know or use for anything practical made the Professor’s classes highly sought-after. Known as the “Trivial Tidbit Weirdo”, Professor Quizzleton participates in the PAX Pokémon League testing and delighting the general public with their quirky and mind-boggling quizzes!
Stretch your imagination and challenge conventional logic to earn the Inane Expertise Badge!
Leaders: Riordan, the Shepherd Unto the Beyond, Tyler, the Roughhousing Referee, and The Rat Czar, Her Imperial Highness!
ErkenhelmRiordan, the Shepherd Unto the Beyond!
Losing a beloved Pokémon at a young age made Riordan all too aware of how fragile life can be. In order to help others who’ve loved and lost, he started writing poetry to help honor those who have left this world behind. Together with his Ghost Pokémon, he provides solace to those who now navigate the path from this world to the next.
Calm the restless spirits to earn Riordan’s Eulogy Badge!
Tyler, the Roughhousing Referee!
In this corner, the Paldean referee-on-a-spree with the Fighting-type hype, Tyler! Returning to the PPL to make sure everyone plays fair, Tyler’s team of punching-themed Pokémon are ready for another bout at PAX East. Step into the ring and see if you can roll with the punches!
Knock Tyler out to win the Haymaker Badge!
The Rat Czar, Her Imperial Highness!
Lurking deep in the sewers below the PPL is a vast empire of rodents built on refuse long forgotten. Her Imperial Highness, the Rat Czar, rules these mousy fellows as they look upward to lands unconquered. She’s eager to prove that the rats really do run this city.
Usurp the Rat Czar’s empire to win the Rodentia Badge!
PPL East 2025 Applications Are Now Open Until January 10th!
We’re looking for up-and-coming trainers from around the world to don the green scarf and defend the tradition of the PAX Pokemon League at PAX East 2025! Applications will be open until January 10th! We will let everyone know shortly after if they have been accepted. Applications are HERE ANOTHER…
PPL EAST is over! Hope you had fun! Here’s the link to the feedback survey, which helps us improve future events! https://forms.gle/4RLH5NWPCsLRbnJG7
Go to here for info on how to join the PPL at PAX EAST 2024!
PPL East ’24 Applications
Ever wanted to be a Pokemon gym leader like in your favorite main series Pokemon games? Now is your chance! Applications to be a gym leader for the PAX Pokemon League at PAX East 2024…
Looking for posts from previous years of PPL East?
Visit the Archives!
Latest Posts
DJ/G’s Challenger Showcase!
doomy doominatorA message from one of our Gym Leaders at PPL East 2024, DJ/G!
“All you challengers and leaders who participated at PPL two weeks ago at East already know this, but as DJ/G, “The Musically Omnivorous Radio Host,” I spent almost the entirety of PAX taking both challengers and song requests to accompany those battles, and 26 of you (Thank you so much!!), in addition to providing the soundtrack to the weekend, also took me up on the offer to record your voices for part of the upcoming episode of my IRL radio show, The Andover Special. Well……….. the time has come! It’s officially available now on Mixcloud, where all of my shows are archived. Tune in, rock out, and enjoy the music-induced flashbacks you may get if you were there in person.”
https://www.mixcloud.com/theandoverspecial/149-clean-version-the-andover-special-djgs-challenger-showcase/note: song(s) may include non-PG/-suggestive content
PPL East 2024 Leader photo
doomy doominatorA huge thank you again to everyone who participated this year at PPL East 2024, and especially thank you to our amazing Gym Leaders for taking the time out of their schedules to make PPL a memorable experience for everyone involved! Without you, we would have no PPL. Hope to see everyone again in 2025!
Champion: Zen Gredora, the Shiny Bug Enthusiast!
ErkenhelmZen Gredora, the Shiny Bug Enthusiast!
Trained in the ancient ways of the Gredora clan deep in the jungle, Zen was raised to appreciate and depend on Bug Pokémon for safety and direction. Over time, Zen gained an affinity for shiny Bug Pokémon in particular and sought as many of them as he could. He now seeks to show the world the shiny Bugs he’s trained as the Champion.
Keep calm and set fire to Zen’s shiny bugs to secure your place in the PPL East ’24 Hall of Fame!
Elites: Aidan, Master of Dragon Types, Leopold, the Masterful Magician, Kofu, the Surging Chef, and Leafa, the Steeper!
ScottAidan, Master of Dragon Types!
Aidan has long been a fan of Dragons and taking on higher and higher challenges with them. Together they’ve defeated many opponents, but they still continue to seek more fights and challenges. Aidan returns to East again with his Dragons to welcome all challengers to battle him for a chance at his badge.
Face the might of Dragons to win the Flaming Claw Emblem!
Leopold, the Masterful Magician!
Leopold is an accomplished stage magician who took Paldea by storm, bringing grand illusions to life with the help of his Pokémon partners. He was scouted by the PAX Pokémon League after a representative attended one of his performances, and now his partners help him battle with the best as a proud League member between shows!
See through Leopold’s trickery to earn the Illusion Emblem!
Kofu, the Surging Chef!
Kofu works as a chef as well as a gym leader. He specializes in seafood cuisine! He is the head chef of his own restaurant named “The Kofu Lounge” in Cascarrafa. Kofu sometimes gets his ingredients from auction at Porto Marinada.
Take the plunge against Kofu’s Water Types to win the Chilling Water Emblem!
Leafa, the Steeper!
Leafa trained at tea shops and cafes around Johto, honing her skill in the art of making tea. She made friends of the various Pokémon that helped her find the best leaves, the purest waters, and fiercest of fires in her tea travels. She has arrived at the PAX Pokémon League, in search of adventurers willing to assist her in making the best tea in the world!
Overcome elemental forces to spill the Tea Emblem!
Elites: Koravith, the Dragon Scholar, Coben, the Wandering Woodsman, Nyx, the Nocturnal Knight, and Anthony, the Edenic Gardner!
ErkenhelmKoravith, the Dragon Scholar!
Starting at a young age, Koravith had a fascination with Dragons. Once he was old enough, Koravith traveled all of the different regions to gather all the knowledge he could about Dragons through reading and nature. After years of traveling and studying, Koravith feels that he has found the strongest Dragons and lives to test their strength against other trainers.
Match the Dragons’ strength to be worthy of the Dragon Tome Emblem!
Coben, the Wandering Woodsman!
Since he was little, Coben loved nature and being outdoors, playing for hours with his partner Pokémon Sprigatito. As they grew, they spent more time outside, battling strong Pokémon and trainers wherever they were. Having conquered the forests of Paleda and Kitakami, he seeks to find another wilderness to hone his skills. Now he prepares to head East, following rumors of a concrete jungle.
Bring the heat to earn the Woodland Emblem!
Nyx, the Nocturnal Knight!
Normally a creature of the night, Nyx will wake up from his daytime slumber (with coffee in hand) to answer the call of any challenger. Nyx has always been fascinated by the dark, be it the sights, the sounds, or the fear it brings. Beware, for he will bring what he has studied of the night to his battles.
Shine a light to conquer the night and win the Twilight Emblem!
Anthony, the Edenic Gardener!
No one knows quite how long Anthony has been honing their gardening talent, but their apples have won first prize in Galar’s gardening championships 10 years running. As a gym leader, Anthony is renowned for their expertise in reptilian Grass Pokémon.
Freeze these cold-blooded Grass types to win the Malum Emblem!
Leaders: Nanite, the Serpent Master and Frode, the Man Who Skied All the Way Here!
ErkenhelmNanite, the Serpent Master!
Originally hailing from Hoenn, Nanite grew up in Unova where he helped to run his family’s herpetarium. Recently, he was recruited by Cyrano for assistance with the Terrarium and making it suitable for certain Pokémon. Nanite has since stuck around as a subject matter expert.
Shed Nanite’s statuses and claim the Scale Badge!
Frode, the Man Who Skied All the Way Here!
Frode was skiing and catching Ice-type Pokémon on Cool, Cool Mountain when he looked at the time and realized he was going to be late for PAX! He figured that since he was running late, he didn’t have time to go to his car, so he started skiing directly for Boston. That was weeks ago, but Frode arrived just in time!
Keep steady on your feet to win Frode’s Slippery Badge!
Leaders: Norton, the Legacy Battler, Karl, the Daring Miner and Oscar, the Shiny Master!
ErkenhelmNorton, the Legacy Battler!
Norton is a veteran who has been training Pokémon for decades. Using a dominant type in past Kanto, he has caught several Pokémon that have become stronger in later developments or alternate forms of older discovered Pokémon in other regions. His intuition is very strong along with his link with his Pokémon. He is often at the top of his game.
Overcome Norton’s tried and tested partners to win the Contingency Badge!
Karl, the Daring Miner!
Karl is a daring miner employed by Deep Rock Galactic for many years, where he was launched into alien infested plants to mine precious minerals. Over the years, Karl has done may daring and challenging things, but one thing was always out of his reach – he had always wanted to run his own mine. When Karl heard that the Paldea region was rich with gems that people used to power up your Pokémon, he was sold. Karl came to Paldea in hopes of befriending the local Pokémon to help him mine and sell tera shards.
Mine through the rubble to find the Shiny Stone Badge!
Oscar, the Shiny Master!
Shiny hunting requires ultimate patience and dedication to the craft. Ever since Oscar was very young, he has been building his ultimate team of shinies, and now he’s ready to show off his dedication to challengers.
Sparkle to the finish to win Oscar’s Shiny Badge!
Leaders: Jimmy Ryan, the Freaky Fast Delivery Guy, Packer, the Powerful Pet Owner and Charlotte, the Black Widow!
ErkenhelmJimmy Ryan, the Freaky Fast Delivery Guy!
Jimmy Ryan has one true goal: delivering freaky fresh sandwiches, made with the highest quality ingredients, freaky fast. With the help of some newly acquired Paldean Pokémon, Jimmy Ryan is all the more ready to show the region who the true king of sandwich making is.
Gotta be freaky fast to catch the Superior Sandwich badge!
Packer, the Powerful Pet Owner!
Packer brought his prominent pets back for more feline fun! After a few semesters at Blueberry Academy, his Pokémon are as cute and cuddly as they are capable. These rambunctious rodents, crazy canines and boundless birds are here to bring the fame and the pain.
Watch your head and hairballs if you want to secure a Paws of Fury Badge!
Charlotte, the Black Widow!
Charlotte’s life has been blessed with great fortune. Unfortunately, that hasn’t rubbed off onto her suitors; all of them seemed to disappear under mysterious circumstances, leaving nothing behind but their riches for her to remember them by.
Make Charlotte pay to win the Widow Badge!
Leaders: Mr. Romy, the Ace Alumni, Battalion, the Hot Iron, and Lark Quizzleton, the Trivial Tidbit Weirdo!
ErkenhelmMr. Romy, the Ace Alumni!
How long has it been? A few years? A lot of years? You haven’t seen many of these Pokémon in so long, and it looks like they’ve all grown! Welcome to the Pokémon High School Reunion, where all your old friends have reunited – but be careful, they’re all stronger! All of Mr. Romy’s Pokémon evolved after their debut generation, and they’re looking to show you how much they have changed.
Relive the glory days to earn the High School Reunion Badge!
Battalion, the Hot Iron!
Battalion makes weapons – but not just in the forge. Their Pokémon are tougher than the anvil and strike harder than the hammer. Don’t let their cheerful demeanor fool you – those arms are hard as steel!
Strike while the iron is hot to earn the Crucible Badge!
Lark Quizzleton, the Trivial Tidbit Weirdo!
Professor Lark Quizzleton, a renowned but oddball Pokémon researcher, changed careers after having a mid-life crisis. Now they teach at the Blueberry Academy, where they became famous for their unique approach of teaching lesser-known and just plain weird knowledge about Pokémon. The allure of learning things that students would never need to know or use for anything practical made the Professor’s classes highly sought-after. Known as the “Trivial Tidbit Weirdo”, Professor Quizzleton participates in the PAX Pokémon League testing and delighting the general public with their quirky and mind-boggling quizzes!
Stretch your imagination and challenge conventional logic to earn the Inane Expertise Badge!
Leaders: Riordan, the Shepherd Unto the Beyond, Tyler, the Roughhousing Referee, and The Rat Czar, Her Imperial Highness!
ErkenhelmRiordan, the Shepherd Unto the Beyond!
Losing a beloved Pokémon at a young age made Riordan all too aware of how fragile life can be. In order to help others who’ve loved and lost, he started writing poetry to help honor those who have left this world behind. Together with his Ghost Pokémon, he provides solace to those who now navigate the path from this world to the next.
Calm the restless spirits to earn Riordan’s Eulogy Badge!
Tyler, the Roughhousing Referee!
In this corner, the Paldean referee-on-a-spree with the Fighting-type hype, Tyler! Returning to the PPL to make sure everyone plays fair, Tyler’s team of punching-themed Pokémon are ready for another bout at PAX East. Step into the ring and see if you can roll with the punches!
Knock Tyler out to win the Haymaker Badge!
The Rat Czar, Her Imperial Highness!
Lurking deep in the sewers below the PPL is a vast empire of rodents built on refuse long forgotten. Her Imperial Highness, the Rat Czar, rules these mousy fellows as they look upward to lands unconquered. She’s eager to prove that the rats really do run this city.
Usurp the Rat Czar’s empire to win the Rodentia Badge!