The PAX Pokemon League East 2016 Hall of Fame!!!
Congratulations to this year’s League Champions!
League Champion: Peter Hotvedt
League Champion: James Garabedian
League Champion: Michael (Ciro)
League Champion: Scott Meehan
League Champion: Zack the Necroviking
League Champion: Toastdeib
League Champion: Connor (Blaine)
League Champion: Rob
League Champion: Lance Tan
League Champion: Ian
League Champion: Noah Boland
League Champion: Ksu
League Champion: Kristiane “Whitney”
League Champion: E-Lo
League Champion: ASuperShyGuy
League Champion: kano
League Champion: Jeffolas
Sprites from PkParaiso
If you see any errors, or if you were left off accidentally (there are several of you who we did not get hall of fame entries for! And we’re missing photos for a few of you!) or something’s missing, leave a comment or send an email to paxpokemonleague at gmail dot com! I (Propriety) will fix it!
Thank you for Playing! This is East 2016’s Final Post!