PAX Pokemon League Prime 2015 Hall of Fame!
Congratulations to this year’s League Champions!
League Champion: This Guy
League Champion: KSU
“Lola” “Tweety” “Daffy” “Taz” “Jordan” “Bugs”
League Champion: Ruppy
“Moon Beast” “Crystal” “Cebarra” “Old Friend” “Rezha” “MegaTank”
League Champion: Pending
“Since” “Cold Toaster” “Answers” “Toaster” “Common Bat” “Steel”
League Champion: Maggie
“Pedipalps” “Swish” “Invictus” Nightmare” “Mnementh” “Pelagius”
League Champion:
Steven Bradley Taylor
“Bruce” “Masamune”
League Champion: Mike Levine
League Champion: Steven Rasmussen
Sprites from PkParaiso
If you see any errors, or if you were left off accidentally send a PM to RoxasEmoQueen or DoubtedCarrot on the forums or just email, we will take care of it!
Thanks to all our challengers who took on the PAX Pokemon League of Prime 2015!
This will be Prime 2015’s final post!