Author name: Frances

PAX West 2021, PPL 2021, West 2021 Leaders

Introducing our Champion: Roxas, the Overcaffinated Admin!

Roxas, the Overcaffinated Admin

Admin Roxas retired from battling due to the stress of running the PAX Pokemon League. However, with each passing year the urge to battle has grown… Now with a smaller league and a lot more coffee, Admin Roxas has decided to pick up the battle mantle again. Will you be able to beat the Overcaffeinated Admin Roxas? Will you be able to overcome the Admin who runs the League itself?

Caffeinated Emblem

PAX West 2021, PPL 2021, West 2021 Leaders

Look who it is, Professor Pine, the Retired Pokemon Professor!

Professor Pine, the Retired Pokemon Professor

Professor Pine, Founder of the PAX Pokémon League, has been taking an early retirement. He’s a bit out of touch with the battling scene, and despite him being officially retired, he is still doing research. To earn his badge, you’ll need to take pictures of Pokémon, or likely habitats of Pokémon, around PAX and show them to him to earn his badge. Keep in mind, Professor Pine does like things in threes!
Snapshot! Complete Professor Pine’s quest and earn the Snapshot Badge!

The Snapshot Badge

PAX West 2021, PPL 2021, West 2021 Leaders

Bioram, the Reptile Man & Hermes, the Messenger of the Gods have been revealed!

Bioram, the Reptile Man

A master of the branch of zoology concerned with reptiles and amphibians. These reptiles and amphibians are a herpetologist’s forte. Defeat Bioram and win the Herpetology Badge!

Herpetology Badge

Hermes, Messenger of the Gods

While out running notes for his father, Zeus, Hermes accidently ran too fast and ran through a portal to another world! While trying to figure out where he was, a storm began and he rescued a flailing dratini in the water. They weathered the storm together and he took her to the nearest house, where a man named Briney helped him nurse dratini back to health and explained to Hermes about what a pokemon trainer is. Ever curious, Hermes pops back in every now and again with his trusty Dragonite to explore more of the Pokemon world and visit his old friend, all while making new ones. Can you outrun Hermes and gang’s extreme speed?

Winged Badge

PAX West 2021, PPL 2021, West 2021 Leaders

Nook, the Debt Collector has come to collect!

Nook, the Debt Collector

Tired of subsidizing the many animal villagers of Animal Crossing, Nook came up with a plan that would allow the villagers to finally earn their keep! Using the tried and true jock villager workout plan this group of villagers have left their relaxed island lifestyle behind and are ready to meet you in battle.

You won’t be cross if you can defeat Nook and earn the Crossing Badge!

Crossing Badge


PAX West 2021, PPL 2021, West 2021 Leaders

Entering our first gym leader: Rhonder, the Amethyst Aesthetician!

Rhonder, the Amethyst Aesthetician

Purple: Regal, Intriguing, and Incredibly Stylish- among other things! Did you know that Purple Pokemon are the strongest, too?? Rhonder has arrived at the PAX Pokemon League to dazzle everyone with his signature amethyst aesthetic and prove the potential of Purple Pokemon! Shake up Rhonder’s look to earn the Amethyst Badge!

Amethyst Badge

PAX West 2021, PPL 2021, West 2021 News

PAX West 2021 Information!

We are so excited to see challengers in person at PAX West 2021! To help comply with PAX Health & Safety Guidelines the PPL has it’s own dedicated room in Room 210, right down the hall from the Handheld Lounge! This means we will NOT have a booth in the Diversity Lounge like in past years.

(Please note that the above map is from 2019 and may be different for PAX West 2021)

We are doing things a little differently this year:

  • Partly due to the success of PAX Online, we have developed a webapp for challengers and leaders to use to keep track of information, badges earned and join leader queues. No more shouting from across the convention center to know when it’s your turn!
  • Challenging the PPL will look differently than past years.  You will only have to earn 5 badges and then you are eligible to go up against the champion. No elites!
  • We have two activity badges which you can earn through doing some small actvities.
  • We also will not have raffles this year but instead have a tiered system in which you can be eligible for different prizes based on how many badges you earn this year.
  • In order to keep as safe as possible, we will have hand sanitizer, disinfectant, and extra masks on hand in Room 210 for you as needed.

More information is here: 

We are so excited to see you soon and stay tuned for our first leader reveal soon!

PAX West 2021, PPL 2021, West 2021 News

URGENT: PAX West is looking for leaders!

PAX West 2021 Leader Applications Are Up Now!

We’re looking for up-and-coming trainers from around the world to don the green scarf and defend the tradition of the PAX Pokemon League at PAX West 2021! Please note, that PAX West leaders will be in person as long as PAX West 2021, remains an in person event.
Applications will be open until July 23rd! We will let everyone know on July 26th if they have been accepted. IF you have been accepted you will have 2 weeks to make your thread on the forums and finalize your concept. Be warned.

We have an extremely limited time because of the release of West tickets, so apply QUICK!

Please Note: If West shifts to an Online event, we may POTENTIALLY move PAX West to PAX Online. Details are still being worked out, if it’s even possible to do. If you are unfamiliar with how PAX Online is run, it is through our Discord and you will take challengers online.

UPDATE: Due to the restrictions for PAX West 2021, we are unable to facilitate any multibattle gyms. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

Click Here to Apply to be a PAX West Gym Leader!

If you guys have any questions please feel free to email us at
I’m here to help!

~RoxasEmoQueen AKA Frances~

Online 2021 News, PPL 2021, PPL Online 2021

PPL Online 2021 Challenger & Leader Data

PPL Online 2021 Challenger & Leader Data

With the unique opportunity that our PPLBot offered us to accurately track challenger and leader data over the weekend. Please take a look and see how you did or how our leaders did over the weekend!

To navigate the data, look at the top menus and look through the data. Enjoy!
Look forward to out Hall of Fame Post soon!



Online 2021 News, PAX Pokemon League History, PPL 2021, PPL Online 2021

Thank you to all of our challengers, leaders, and volunteers!

We can’t believe PPL Online is over! So much has happened over the last four days: battles, burnout and making friends! We couldn’t do it without YOU the challengers who make it all worth it! But we have some people we need to thank because without them PPL Online would not have happened!


@rhonder_art                    rhonder_art

Rhonder was an Elite 6 member for PPL Online 2020 and also did all the wonderful leader portraits! Without him, we wouldn’t have the lovely artwork of each of our leaders, elites and champions! Please check him out on his Instagram and Twitch!



You may know him as a gym leader, Perseverance, the Extraplanetary Geologist! Toastdeib wrote the PPL Bot from the ground up that we used within the Discord and without it PPL Online would not have been possible! Follow him on Twitch!


Another gym leader member contributed heavily to the success of PPL Online! You may recognize her as Lunella, The Lunar Stargazer or Emily Blanchette! She designed the digital trainer card for us and without her you wouldn’t have been able to see all of your badges! Follow her on twitter!

Rachel Joy

You may know her as Violetta, the Mauve Matron, but she is behind the PPL Online Statistics Dashboard coming soon.

Our Admin Team

Erkenhelm, Scoot, & RoxasEmoQueen would like to thank you for a great weekend and we hope to see you all soon at the next PPL event!


Thank you again all challengers, leaders, and volunteers for helping make PPL Online such a success!

Also if you were a challenger this year. PLEASE fill out this survey here.

It helps us plan for another PPL Online! Stay tuned for the PPL Online 2021 Hall of Fame!


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