Author name: doomy doominator

PAX West 2023, PPL 2023, West 2023 Leaders

Champion: Jacob, The Feline Fanatic!

Jacob, The Feline Fanatic

Jacob has searched the globe for the purrfect companion, so when he arrived in Paldea and was given a Sprigatito, he was pawsitive that he had come to the right place. After clawing his way through the gym challenge with his ferocious felines and meowvelous strategies, Jacob came upon the PAX Pokémon League ready to pounce on a new challenge. Do you pawssess what it takes to rise up to this challenge or will you be whiskered away and left in catastrophe?



Cat-ivate Jacob with your battle prowess to enter the Hall of Fame!

PAX West 2023, PPL 2023, West 2023 Leaders

Leaders: Skyler, The Scallywag of Stormhold, and Yohj, The Scary Storyteller!

Skyler, The Scallywag of Stormhold

Skyler, the Scallywag of Stormhold cackles in the torrential rain. As a lightning pirate consumed by the thrill of the hunt, he and his crew sail the skies to harvest lighting from the wildest storms. Recently, the torrential downpours of 2023 have lured him from his homeland of Stormhold to the Western US! Beware the thunder!

Throw rocks at Skyler’s lightning storm team to earn the Lightning Bolt Badge!

Yohj, The Scary Storyteller

Welcome to summer camp, kids! It’s time to join Yohj around the fire for some marshmallows and SPOOKY stories. He loves telling haunting stories that will have you hiding safely under your covers all night long.

Use Dark types to brave Yohj’s team of Ghost Pokémon and earn the Spook Badge!

PAX West 2023, PPL 2023, West 2023 Leaders

Leaders: Keiko, The Pokémon Nanny, and Rory, The Wily Scrapper!

Keiko, The Pokémon Nanny

Loving Pokémon from a young age, Keiko has struggled with becoming a strong Pokémon trainer. It took some time, but she found that her talents lay in raising and training Pokémon when they are young to be their strongest!

Defeat Keiko and her baby Pokémon to earn the Nurture Badge!

Rory, The Wily Scrapper

Getting into scraps since a young age, Rory learned quickly that it’s not enough to be strong, but you have to fight clever as well. He and his Pokémon are out to show what happens when you fight smarter and harder.

Outwit and out-muscle Rory to earn the Ruckus Badge!

PAX West 2023, PPL 2023, West 2023 Leaders

Leaders: Morgan, The Maison Maitre D’, Rhonder, The Punk Rocker, and Joseph, The Paper Florist!

Morgan, The Maison Maitre D’

Hailing from Hoenn, Morgan established a Battle Maison in both her home region and in Kalos. Leaving her sisters in charge of the arenas, the eldest has taken a little vacation to scout out a new location for the next Battle Maison!

Meet a mix of the Maison’s mons and come out on top to earn the Chatelaine Badge!

Rhonder, The Punk Rocker

Concerts are great, but so is Pokémon battling! With time to kill before his band’s next gig, Rhonder joined the PAX Pokémon League to rehearse and let off some steam. It’s an all ages show, no cover charge!

Tear it up in the pit to earn the Mosh Pit Badge!

Joseph, The Paper Florist

Joseph has a green thumb and a penchant for papercraft! When his Pokémon aren’t busy helping him out in the garden, they do their best to help him out as a representative of the League and an instructor in the art of origami.

Wilt Joseph’s garden or impress him with your folding skills to earn the Origami Badge!

PAX West 2023, PPL 2023, West 2023 Leaders

Leaders: Joe, The Mistaken Meteorologist, Josh, The Quizzical, and Marissa, The Dog Whisperer!

Joe, The Mistaken Meteorologist

Joe, armed with his “precise” meteorological knowledge and a unique team of weather-themed Pokémon challenges aspiring trainers with unexpected strategies that harness the power of wind, rain, and sunlight.

Defeat Joe and weather his tempestuous tactics to earn the Hurricane Badge!

Josh, The Quizzical

WHO’S THAT POKÉMON?! Josh has made it his mission to travel around the world evaluating randomly selected people on their Pokémon recognition. Why he does this is a mystery, but rewards await those who pass his tests.

Surprise Josh with your Pokémon knowledge to earn the PokID Badge!

Marissa, The Dog Whisperer

Marissa, also known as the Dog Whisperer, is a passionate and skilled trainer who specializes in dog-type Pokémon. Her love for dogs and her deep understanding of their loyalty, companionship, and unwavering spirit have earned her the reputation as the ultimate authority on dog-like Pokémon.

Defeat Marissa and you will ‘pawsitively’ win the Loyalty Badge!

PAX West 2023, PPL 2023, West 2023 Leaders

Leaders: Cole, The Card Player, IbbyTrainer, The Master of Storms, and Jose, The Spaghetti Cowboy!

Cole, The Card Player

Cole grew up splitting time between card games and Pokémon battling, never sure which one would be his calling. He tried to master and pay equal attention to both, but his family-run gym needing a new leader forced his hand, though his past shines through in his teams and theming.

Play a better battle than Cole to win the pot and take home the Royal Flush Badge!

IbbyTrainer, The Master of Storms

Ibby has been playing and studying Pokémon for all 12 years of his life. He has always had an affinity for Water, Electric, and Ice type Pokémon. Try to send his thunder charged tsunami back at him to earn the Storm Badge.

Defeat Ibby’s terrifying thunderstorm Pokémon to earn the Storm Badge!

Jose, The Spaghetti Cowboy

The biggest cowboy-fanboy this side of Victory Road, Jose will show you these boots were made for walkin’ all over you and your team!

Put the freeze on this washed out wannabe and earn yourself a honky-tonkin’ Yeehaw Badge!

PAX West 2023, PPL 2023, West 2023 Leaders

Leaders: Carny Kenny, The Minigame Master, Hoopa, The Mischievous Magician, and Roxas, The Overcaffinated Admin!

Carny Kenny, The Minigame Master

Anyone can tell a Rattata to use Bite, but can you make one run like the wind? Are you able to memorize mesmerizing patterns with Clefairies? WELL STEP RIGHT UP, STEP RIGHT UP!! I’M CARNY KENNY AND WELCOME, TO THE GREATEST SHOW ON THE PLANET!!

You don’t have to place first but you do have to beat ME to earn the Minigames Badge!

Hoopa, The Mischievous Magician

The mischievous Hoopa has summoned tons of Pokémon! Oh? What’s this? It looks like it wants to play a game! Let’s use some of these Pokémon and battle with Hoopa!

Beat Hoopa at its own game to win the Hyperspace Hole badge!

Roxas, The Overcaffinated Admin

Roxas has little time to mess around with Pokémon battles. She has to keep the PAX Pokémon League running and can only take appointments one at a time.

Avoid Roxas’s punches and arrive on time to win the Overloaded Badge!

PAX West 2023, PPL 2023, West 2023 Leaders

Leaders: Bob, The Historian, Boreas Rex, Sovereign of the Frozen Reaches, and Brantley, The Brilliant Pokémon Academic!

Bob, The Historian

Bob has been studying Sinnoh and its ancient history for 16 years. Recently he has stumbled upon a tomb illustrating and describing in great detail some of the ancient Pokémon that lived in Sinnoh. With the help of modern technology, Bob has brought some of these Pokémon into the present and is excited to test them in battle.

Defeat Bob’s historical relics to earn the Ancient Badge!

Boreas Rex, Sovereign of the Frozen Reaches

Parley?!? Who thinks this be the time fer idle chatter!?! Ah! Another challenger to come seek audience with the Ruler of the Northern Domain, are ye? I admire yer guile, young warm-body! Hoping to gain favor and learn mine secrets of the icy tundras and the frozen sea will prove no easy feat. But should ye fight as a rancorous Sharpedo and cut the wind out me sails in a Pokémon battle, then ye shall rightfully earn the respect of Boreas Rex! Then, ye may parley!

Draw no quarter against Boreas Rex to earn the Bounty of the Blue Nose and the Frozen Wasteland Badge!

Brantley, The Brilliant Pokémon Academic

Brantley is a Flameborn Sunny Day Pokémon specialist. His knowledge for Pokémon performance in the sun burns just as bright as the flames they employ!

Douse Brantley’s flames to earn the Brilliant Badge!

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