Leaders: Cid Sullivan, the Carnival Barker and Kirbo, the Ogre Oustin Fanatic!

Cid Sullivan, the Carnival Barker!


Cid Sullivan is the current proprietor of his family’s carnival. The Sullivan Traveling Carnival spreads the unique mix of both delight and disappointment that can only come with a carnival. As the carnival’s barker, Cid does his part to bring in the guests while his Pokémon run the rides and games.

Step right up and test your luck to win the Midway Badge!

Kirbo, the Ogre Oustin Fanatic!


Kirbo comes from a small town called Mossui in the Kitakami region. Every year, they hold a festival to scare away the EVIL OGRE that lives in the mountains. Kirbo is bringing a slice of that festival to PAX East this year in hopes of raising awareness of the foul creature.

Win a race against time to claim an Ogre Oustin Badge!

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