Leaders: Itsy, the Crafty Crafter, Loopy, Iono’s Streaming Rival, and Percy Pascal, the Playful Paradise Partier!

Itsy, the Crafty Crafter!

Itsy spent years crafting adorable Pokémon plushies until she discovered that there are Pokémon who enjoy crafting as much as her! Now she travels the regions searching for and training Pokémon that love to craft as much as she does.

Variety is the spice of life, and crafts. Bring your creativity to earn the Artisanal Badge!


Loopy, Iono’s Streaming Rival!

Loopy has been a rival streamer and trainer to Paldea’s Iono for many years, but has never fully been able to grab the spotlight from her. Perhaps it is Iono’s catchy on stream graphics, or her catchphrases, or her stellar ensemble… or perhaps it’s because Loopy specializes in Water type Pokémon and cannot beat Iono in a battle, losing him followers. Whatever the reason, Loopy has never given up on his dream to become a top Pokémon battler and streamer, creating his own “Loopy Sphere” channel and highlighting his fierce battles as he rises to the top of the PAX Pokémon League, away from the electrifying shadow of Iono.

You’re caught in my Whirlpool! Navigate Loopy’s water Pokémon to earn the Salt Water Badge!


Percy Pascal, the Playful Paradise Partier!

You’ve been invited to a beach party in Paldea by Percy Pascal! Come play with Percy and all his precious Pokéfriends. There might even be a battle or two! 🙂

Party with Percy to earn the Beach Party Badge!


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