Leaders: Touma, the Imagine Breaker, Yoshi, the Wing Buffer, and Scotty Appleseed, the Folk Hero!

Touma, the Imagine Breaker!

Touma Kamijou is a high school student at Academy City. On first impression, he may be a powerless guy with very bad luck, but he possesses the power of the Imagine Breaker in his right hand, the ability to negate all supernatural elements. His misfortunes led him to come to the Pokémon World by accident, but he found out a hidden side of his powers there. The Imagine Breaker ability works on Pokémon as well, and led him to his survival and a spot in the PAX Pokémon League. 

Break the imagination of victory before yours gets broken! Power through Touma’s team to earn the Breaker Badge!

 The Breaker Badge

Yoshi, the Wing Buffer!

One day after Yoshi’s battles as a Gym Leader using Pokémon from the ocean, his boss sent back his winged Pokémon with the message: “Your Pokémon were weaker than I thought. I’ll give them back to you.” Yoshi gladly got his old Pokémon back, and now he’ll use his winged Pokémon once again. 

Take flight and rise to the challenge to earn the Wing Badge!

The Wing Badge

Scotty Appleseed, the Folk Hero!

Squatting in the Forest of Focus with his trusty Appletun, Scotty felt something strange… a feeling he never felt before. “Roar,” his stomach growled. The sound was so loud that poor Appletun tripped over Scotty’s back and out came an apple.  “Give it to me!” his stomach screamed. Scotty did as he was told, and his stomach settled down once he ate the apple. “I must tell everyone of the power of apples!” proclaimed Scotty, and he ran off with Appletun trotting behind him.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but a victory over Scotty will award you with the Appleseed Badge!

 The Appleseed Badge

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