Leaders: Professor Forsythia, the Pika-Clone Scientist and Prof. Wattieza, the Primal Historian!

Professor Forsythia, the Pika-Clone Scientist!

Professor Forsythia is a geneticist studying Pikachu and other Pokémon that act or look similar to Pikachu that are considered “Pika-clones”. Forsythia has a lot of questions she is currently trying to answer for her research: are these “Pika-clones” really clones of Pikachu? And if not, why do people refer to them as such? Why are most of them Electric-type Pokémon but some are not?

Help Professor Forsythia with her research and win yourself the Chu-DNA Badge!

The Chu-DNA Badge

Prof. Wattieza, the Primal Historian!

After years of studying fossils, Prof. Wattieza has become the leading expert of ancient Pokémon. Once the technology to resurrect these Pokémon came to be, a new field revealed itself: the study of how these Pokémon battled! 

Can you overcome their primal might and win the Paleo Badge, or become ancient history?

The Paleo Badge

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