Mr. Resetti, the Reset Surveillance Specialist and Captain Gyaraga, The Mysterious Space Pilot

Mr. Resetti, the Reset Surveillance Specialist

 Having worked himself out of the job with the autosave system in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, he’s coming to the Pokémon world to stop the trainers who reset their games to beat the system!

Mr. Resetti specializes in Ground types, so bring your best Grass, Ice, and Water Pokémon!

No Reset Badge

Captain Gyaraga, The Mysterious Space Pilot

Captain Gyaraga’s origins are unknown, perhaps he has something to do with the red and white ship that crashed onto Jhoto awhile back. However despite his mysterious origins, he gives off a hint of nostalgia, almost as if you’ve encountered him at one point. Gyaraga has no Pokémon of his own, and seems to be in major distress. He mumbles about an invasion, and is unsure how to fight back. Are you willing to lend a hand to this strange pilot’s cause?

Dreams, Fun and Inspiration. Appears to have made from scraps of the Galaga army ships you just destroyed. Looks familiar…

The Galactic Protector Badge

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