Brick Tamland, the Nutty Meterologist and Emmett the Special assemble!

Brick Tamland, the Nutty Meterologist

Good evening, I’m Brick Tamland. I’m your weatherman from your local channel 4 Newsteam. I am a very accurate forecaster. I use my Pokemon to predict the weather. Sixty percent of the time, it works every time. I’d like to also invite you to the pants party. I’m very polite and am rarely late, and a very likable person. I like to eat ice cream and enjoy a nice pair of slacks. I love lamp.


I think I also ate someone’s chocolate squirrel.

I am trying to lay low for a while in my safe house as I am probably wanted for murder for throwing a trident. I don’t know where I got this hand grenade. Wow, that escalated very quickly.

You stay classy San Diego.

Make sure to tune in for the forecast and win the Forecast Badge!

The Forecast Badge

Emmett, the Special

Just a normal guy having an Awesome time… who’s also a Master Builder and saved the world on numerous occasions.

Everything is Awesome when you’re part of a team!

Defeat Emmett and win the Piece of Resistance Badge!

The Piece of Resistance Badge

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