Dyrov, the Valiant Dragon-Knight!
Trainer Strategy: Fights with honor while harnessing true power.
Trainer Pokémon: Enemies of man, now tamed.
Trainer Message: Fight with honor and compassion worthy of Lancelot himself to earn the Valor Emblem!
Brock and Reginald, the old-stone elites!
Strategy: Rough and tumble
Trainers’ Pokemon: The 12 labors are set in stone…
Trainer’s Message: Ne plus ultra!
Prove your labours fruitful to earn the Pillars of Hercules Emblem!
Erkenhelm, the Twitch Streamer!
Strategy: Play video games, watch video games, live video games.
Trainer’s Pokémon: My fellow streamers’ favorite Pokémon.
Trainer’s Message: Can you handle the Kappa?
Avoid dropping frames to win the Streamer Emblem!
Po, the Poor Performer!
Strategy: Dazzle the opponent with our star-studded cast!
Trainer’s Pokémon: The most talented normal-types around!
Trainer’s Message: If you can best the diva and her friends, you’ll earn The Prima Donna Emblem!