Many of our Gym Leaders/Elite Seven members have their own twitter accounts, and many will be updating them during PAX! If you’re interested in following them, you can find them in one convenient list here: THE PPL GYM LEADER LIST
Akane: @inkyravens
Alexander: @Aurethious
Calder: @PaxCalder
Chris: @PPL_ProBender
Courtney: @iBidoof
Delectable Dan: @WinterTrainer
Dr. Ian Attor: @ZetoZ
Emre: @Emre801
Erkenhelm: @Erkenhelm
Franziska von Karma: @PPL_VonKarma
Garrett: @assumptionprime
Gwen: @PPL_MaesterGwen
Hiker Thane: @PPL_HikerThane
Jake & Will: @Lv3Bidoof / @Vachenzo
Jurin : @loltsundere
Katrina: @balloonpresents
Kenneth & Kathleen: @PPL15_Kathleen
Kite: @yellowparachut3
Lane: @Open_Lane
Marlin: @PPL_Justice
Masdrex: @KingMasdrex
Pavi: @sjsongt86
Rillian: @LeewoodL3
Rime: @ndoto
Roark: @Will351William
Rosalind and Robert Lutece: @shinywoopwoop
Scott: @ahscott
Sonny Dee: @SonnyDeePPL
Sorra Fortuna : @ShucaBerry
Stinky Stella: @freelyfrances
Volga: @Volga_TDK
W. P. Bell: @Bigdumbhippy