Leader: Roberto, The Iron Gentleman!

“I don’t want to cramp anyone’s style anymore…”GL05

Enchanted by Lysandre’s message, the young Roberto was eager to sign up to join Team Flare to show the world just how beautiful it could be. As time passed however, he began to notice that Team Flare and its leader in fact wished to wipe the slate clean. Upon the destruction of their hidden base, and with the team in shambles, Roberto quietly took his leave. Hiding out in Kiloude City, he spent a lot of time wondering what went wrong. One day, while looking out onto the safari, he saw a glimmer of metal: a wild Mawile! Entranced by its glimmer, he wasted no time in capturing it. He vowed then and there that he would show the world the elegance of Steel type Pokémon and do his best to make up for Team Flare’s mistakes. It wasn’t long before he heard of a great convention of Pokémon trainers in Boston. What a perfect opportunity to make his debut and spread his message! Steel yourself and crash his party to earn the Classy Badge!

Classy Badge

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