Seven Pyroars, the Production Maestro!

A producer and DJ hailing from the Unova Region, Seven Pyroars has long been creating, honing, and mastering his craft of melodic, inspired electronic music. After touring the world several times over, selling out venues like Hammerlocke Stadium, the Hearthome Contest Hall, and Jaune Plaza in Lumiose City, he’s set on bringing his talents to PAX West.

Seven Pyroars uses many sound-based moves, which are usually special attacks. Bring some Assault Vests to withstand his auditory onslaught and earn the Wall of Sound Badge!
Snake Eyes, the Low-Roller!

Snake Eyes’ taste for danger and serpents was ignited when a plane-load of snakes fell on the casino he was playing in. That night he won big. Always willing to take a gamble, Snake Eyes and his serpent friends are here to risk it all.

Get lucky to earn the Snake Eyes Badge!