Leaders: Rhonder, the Vacationing Ice Trainer and Frances, the Overcaffinated Admin!

Rhonder, the Vacationing Ice Trainer!


Even Ice-Type trainers like to hit the beach every now and then. Rhonder and his team are out here enjoying the end of summer to the fullest! What’s that, his Pokémon are looking a little slushy? Don’t sweat it! Race you to the water, last one in’s a rotten Exeggcute!

Bring Rhonder’s fun in the sun to an end to earn the Half-Melted Badge!

Frances, the Overcaffinated Admin!


Frances has little time to mess around with Pokémon battles. She has to keep the PPL running and can only take appointments one at a time.

Avoid Frances’s punches and arrive on time to earn the Busy Badge!

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