Leaders: Dr. Hekyll, the Strange Case and Ibby, Master of the Bizarre!

Dr. Hekyll, the Strange Case!


Dr. Hekyll is a kind doctor who takes care of people and Pokémon alike. However, behind this peaceful façade lies a dark secret. Mr. Jyde, his alternate personality, exudes malice and violence. Do you have what it takes to take them both down?

Everyone has a light and a dark side, conquer both to earn the Duality Badge!

Ibby, Master of the Bizarre!


Ibby, Master of the Bizarre, has been pulling tricks out his sleeve to make it through Paldea, but now it’s time for him to pull his greatest trick yet! Do you have what it takes?

Taunt Ibby’s Pokémon to earn the Bizarre Badge!

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