Leaders: Murray, Assistant to the Paldea Region Assistant Manager, and Yoshi, Team Star Normal Squad!

 Murray, Assistant to the Paldea Region Assistant Manager!

Larry is away on business, and his assistant has come down with the flu. Due to bureaucratic policies, the next person in line is Murray. Technically he’s qualified for the role, but this is beyond his job description. Help Murray meet his challenger quota and earn a Pre-Approved Substitute Badge.

Make Murray work overtime to acquire the Pre-Approved Substitute Badge!


Yoshi, Team Star Normal Squad!

Yoshi is a loner that calls himself a member of Team Star. According to him, he is in Normal squad, which nobody has ever heard of. Even the actual Team Star doesn’t recognize him. He once was a Gym Leader, but decided to go out for a trip. He saw Team Star, and that sparked an idea that he wanted to be like them. He built his secret base with cardboard on the side of a cliff, and waits for challengers to challenge him.

Challenge Yoshi to make him Hasta la Vistar and earn the Normal Squad Badge!


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