Leaders: Brantley, the Enigmatic Ghost Biologist and Ghastly Nyx, The Collector of Haunted Antiquities!

Brantley, the Enigmatic Ghost Biologist!

An Enigmatic Pokemon Biologist who specializes in the use of Ghost types and all things dark.

Those who manage not to fall to trickery will be awarded the Silph Badge!

The Silph Badge

Ghastly Nyx, The Collector of Haunted Antiquities!

Once as an aspiring archeologist, Nyx found a unique gem that would push his life into finding more treasures that can tell their own stories and were eager for adventures. Beware the scares! Ghastly Nyx’s focus is the Ghost type! 

Bring in Dark and Ghost attacks to quell his restless soul to earn yourself the Spirit Badge!

The Spirit Badge

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