Thank you to all of our challengers, leaders, and volunteers!

We can’t believe PPL Online is over! So much has happened over the last four days: battles, burnout and making friends! We couldn’t do it without YOU the challengers who make it all worth it! But we have some people we need to thank because without them PPL Online would not have happened!


@rhonder_art                    rhonder_art

Rhonder was an Elite 6 member for PPL Online 2020 and also did all the wonderful leader portraits! Without him, we wouldn’t have the lovely artwork of each of our leaders, elites and champions! Please check him out on his Instagram and Twitch!



You may know him as a gym leader, Perseverance, the Extraplanetary Geologist! Toastdeib wrote the PPL Bot from the ground up that we used within the Discord and without it PPL Online would not have been possible! Follow him on Twitch!


Another gym leader member contributed heavily to the success of PPL Online! You may recognize her as Lunella, The Lunar Stargazer or Emily Blanchette! She designed the digital trainer card for us and without her you wouldn’t have been able to see all of your badges! Follow her on twitter!

Rachel Joy

You may know her as Violetta, the Mauve Matron, but she is behind the PPL Online Statistics Dashboard coming soon.

Our Admin Team

Erkenhelm, Scoot, & RoxasEmoQueen would like to thank you for a great weekend and we hope to see you all soon at the next PPL event!


Thank you again all challengers, leaders, and volunteers for helping make PPL Online such a success!

Also if you were a challenger this year. PLEASE fill out this survey here.

It helps us plan for another PPL Online! Stay tuned for the PPL Online 2021 Hall of Fame!

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