Make Way for The Champ! Hiyoko, the High-Flying Hunter-Gatherer!

Hiyoko, the High-Flying Hunter-Gatherer!

Hiyoko Tosaka is a junior and the lone human student at St. Pigeonation’s Institute, a school for pigeons. During her summer break, she decided to take a trip and see the world a little bit…maybe she would find some delicious udon, or battle a worthy opponent in a halberd fight! She ended up in a weird land with birds that didn’t speak English or Japanese like the pigeons back home did. She also found out that she can only battle others by catching these birds and other creatures. With her hunter-gatherer blood boiling, she reluctantly swapped out her halberd for Poké Balls and decided to make a team of bird Pokémon that reminded her of her dear friends at St. Pigeonation’s. She was determined to make this the strongest team that anyone has ever seen!

Clip her team’s wings to earn your place in the PAX Pokémon League Hall of Fame!


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