Lionheart, the Master Magi and Loopy, the Poke-Cosplayer

Lionheart, the Master Magi

Lionheart is often considered one of the greatest Magi to ever travel the realm of Vellara, rising through the ranks quickly and protecting the lands from dark and villainous Magi and dangerous creatures of all shapes and sizes using his powerful magic. One day, after fending off an attack from the Silver Dragon, Lionheart found himself being sucked through the very portal he was trying to keep the beast from accessing, ending up in another world where he discovered creatures called Pokémon that possessed abilities similar to the magic he wielded. Curious about this new realm and the challenges it presented, Lionheart gathered Pokémon that represented the various clans of his homeland to guide him in his journey to return home.

 Outduel the champion of Vellara to earn the Master Magi Rune… er, Badge!

 Master Magi Badge


Loopy, the Poke-Cosplayer

While journeying through the Rock Tunnel of Kanto, Loopy ran into Pokémaniacs Steve and Cooper where he learned about Pokémon Cosplaying, or crafting costumes based on a trainer’s favorite Pokémon! Excited about this new way to strengthen the bond between a Trainer and their Pokémon, Loopy journeyed to the Kalos region to learn more about Pokémon Showcases and to hone his skill in both creating cosplays and battling alongside his Pokémon. While he awaits his first debut season in the Showcase circuit, Loopy is bringing his powerful Pokémon to defend the Crafting badge in any weather!

Loopy enjoys battles in extreme conditions! Be prepared to weather the storm or shut it down!

 Crafting Badge

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