Gus, the Bug Creep, Prof. Cedar, the Researching Sightseer, and Mariana, Explorer of the Depths

Gus, the Bug Creep

After being rejected by humans, Gus went to the Viridian forest to clear his head. He sat down by a tree, and after some minutes, bug type Pokémon came near him and lay down with him. After that, he had no doubts that bugs were better than people. He moved into a treehouse in the forest and sought to be the best bug type trainer!

Gus uses bug types! Hit him with fire attacks to get the upper wing!

Hive badge

Prof. Cedar, the Researching Sightseer

From the shores of Alola to Galar’s freezing tundra, Cedar has spent years travelling to each and every region. Studying the local economy, landscape and of course the Pokémon! Regional variations a plenty to choose from, he has spent years training up regional Pokémon trying to understand how they’ve developed over time as and how they compare among themselves. Now he’s looking for the ultimate trial and error: to find pulse pounding challengers that will push these Pokémon to their limits!

Those that are well traveled might have a chance at an Intrepid Badge!

 The Intrepid Badge

Mariana, Explorer of the Depths

After exploring the Hadal zone and seeing the uniquely equipped species thriving there, Mariana chose to bring that knowledge to shore and put it to the test by competing with anyone who challenges her. Can you withstand the pressure of this torrential offense?

Will your electrifying spirit turn the tides of battle and earn you the Abyssal Badge?

Abyssal Badge

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