Glitch, Master of Birbs and Yoshi, the Small Wing Buffer

Glitch, Master of Birbs

Glitch has always had a natural affinity with the many birds that roam this world. Through befriending and taming, he has become one with his many feathered friends. Now he seeks to show others the beauty and ferocity that birds have hidden behind their names.

Can you prove yourself to me and show that you can tame even the fiercest of birds of prey and become their friend?

Good Birb Badge


Yoshi, the Small Wing Buffer

:After Yoshi was defeated by many strong Pokémon trainer, he was broke with no one cent left inside his wallet. He started to think how he can run away from the hungry Pokémon trainer. When he look up into the sky he saw many Pokémon who has wings traveling freely without any encounter from the trainers. Yoshi thought this is Genius! He can run away from all the trainers with wings! Ever since he was desperate to catch Pokémon with wings with few Pokeball that he has. Although, running away from the trainers can be safe, but he need money for to feed his Pokémon too, so he train his Pokémon to buff their wings, and be waiting for the challengers.

If you are able to Smack Down their hungry wings, you will receive Wing Badge.

Wing Badge

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