Congratulations to this year’s League Champions!
League Champion: Gus
League Champion: Stuffuled_Ian
League Champion: Dragonite
League Champion: Raeef
League Champion: Lunars
League Champion: ReploidArmada
League Champion: Metalbender
League Champion: Roku
League Champion: Brendan
League Champion: renegadewong
League Champion: TheLoopyWalrus
League Champion: Zenetos
League Champion: Morgan the Justice Knight
League Champion: Regicide
League Champion: Mr.Ravenclaw95
League Champion: Elablet
League Champion: ColdingLight
League Champion: Danny devito worshiper
League Champion: TDawgMaster
League Champion: Let’s party with Dunsparce
League Champion: Shadetooth
League Champion: Omar
League Champion: glhfcarlos
League Champion: Supa
Thank you to everyone who challenged in the first ever PPL Online and congratulations to all of our champions!
Sprites from PkParaiso
If you see any errors or somethings missing please let an admin know on Discord
Thank you for Playing!