The DM, Your “Friend” Behind the Screen!
Strategy: All right, I got the session all planned out right here: dialogue, combat, the works, all right here… What do you mean “it’s blank?” Was I supposed to write it down?
Trainer’s Pokémon: Have you read Volo’s latest work? He wrote a guide on these things you know. Kinda like that Pokédex you tried so desperately to fill.
Trainer’s Message: Roll for initiative…
I mean the DC is pretty high man, roll well and you get the Critical Success Badge, but if you wipe than the best I can get you is a Critical Failure…
Icarus, the Fearless Messenger!
Strategy: I’m going to dominate the battle from above, let’s see if you can even hit us!
Trainer’s Pokemon: High Flying Friends!
Trainer’s Message: I’ll waive your delivery fee if you can best me in battle.
Only the early birds will be able to snag a Carrier Badge!
Volcanus, the Racing Ace!
Strategy: Start out slow and then out-speed my opponents near the finish line!
Trainer’s Pokemon: The hottest racers!
Trainer’s Message: Slow and steady wins the Cinderace!
Volcanus uses fire types! Out-speed them in the heat of battle to earn the Tortoise and the Hare Badge.