Helena Harper, the Viral Agent!
Strategy: Taking responsibility for my actions.
Trainer’s Pokémon: Spreading their poison across the globe.
Trainer’s Message: Seven minutes is all I can spare to play with you.
Find the cure to earn the Virus Badge!
Sidian, the Stone Cold Detective!
Strategy: I strategically set up, then proceed to thrash out in an all out force to be reckoned with.
Trainer’s Pokémon: My Pokemon are elementally set in stone.
Trainer’s Message: Rocks have taken hundreds of thousands of years to be as tough as they are. I hope you can handle the sort of pressure they can withstand.
Crush Sidian’s rock hard defenses to earn the Amethyst Badge!
Red and Blue, the Pallet Classic Rivals!
Strategy: To beat you old school style with double the legends.
Trainer’s Pokémon: To battle with the OG 151 Pokemon.
Trainer’s Message:
Blue: Rivals, legends, champions. As one, how can we lose Red?
Team up and work as one in order to earn the Rivals Badge!