Leader: Prof. Kaden Chang, the Alien Researcher!

GL02Professor Kaden Chang was once a well-respected Astrophysicist. However, after a close encounter with what she claims to have been a Clefairy spaceship, her interests rapidly turned to aliens and her credibility plummeted. Years later, she has continued her search for proof of aliens and proof of Pokémons’ extraterrestrial origins, proof she claims to have found when she and her assistant (Woopy the Wooper) attempted to resurrect a Deoxys from its hibernating state. Chang claims Deoxys enlightened her to the truth of aliens. She has now joined the Pokémon Advancement Expo at the PAX Pokémon League (the only place that would hire her) in hopes to share her wisdom with those who dare challenge her and regain her credibility. Come challenger, and prove you have what it takes to win the UFO Badge!

UFO Badge

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